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I AM MEXICAN INDIAN...(APACHE) KINDA NEAT HUH? me BOO! My eye balls! LOL OOOOO, me My niece, me and my nephew me...Irish people rule! Even though I am not Irish...They still rule My sister showin us her after wedding stuff LOL! Yeah She is 35 and a mom....Take a number! Me (far left) Nichole, Larina and Lovely John in the back tryin to be a pimp! NEW YEARS EVE! before we went to play in the snow! My hair!! John, me and Haref! Now Who's the pimp?! Me and my sisters....I am on the far left, Dennise is in the middle (her wedding day) and Amy is on the right...We thought it would be cool to wear robes LMAO! My sister Amy and me....We were gettin ready for my other sisters wedding! Don't even ask another one of my butt it's huge huh?! that's cause i'm mexican lol Brianna and Me on the tree... ~Cruizin~ hehe This is ME! I hate this pic!!! Jamie, Me (middle), Larina me...Senior pic....GAY! I look like a huge cow! Ok this is Larina and me...I am the strange one...She is the cute one lol!!