Ok i really dont like popups, im pretty sure everyone else in the world hates them as well, even people who have popups on their page, they hate them! its sad. They do provide for free hosting, in which i totally agree with because its expensive to host a site and most sites (like mine) without ads, they either would not be there or being paying high service fee's. I really dont mind on page ads, because they arent in your way, but popups are really annoying, im sorry if there are any on my site, i do not mean to have them, but to get this hosted i need them. The fact that popups not only promote products, but promote sex, and drinking is even worse. I hate porn pop ups as well, hell i get porn popups on everysite i visit, its either because i have some god damn virus, or the porn industry has taken over the net. Pop ups can be stopped in many ways though, and they work pretty good, but the fact you must pay for such a program is retarded, mabye thats why popups exsist in the first place, to get pop up stopper programmers money!!! there is a free one though called POP UP STOPPER free. It isnt that effect when useing kazaa or such a crappy program like that. but thats about all i can think of right now, by the way FREEDOM OF SPEECH, i rest my case. -i wrote this because i could-

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