Greenpeace strikes again

Thats right greenpeace strikes again, those bastards, always pissing me off... This comes with the new Kyoto protocol, they seemed to be protesting to any country that isn't going to use it. You cant please people can you, god damn hippies, always trying to change the world, and now were screwed. Thank the hippies when our economy crashes and another depresssion happens, im sorry tree lovers i rather keep my gas guzzling buick and pollute than walk to work, or you know i could always take the bus, which is even worse, because it takes more gas that 3 or 4 cars. I have a great idea that will help both me and the hippies, you want environmental, how about a hippie power car, now pull you lazy bastards, that'll give them a job or two, and at leased ill be able to blame a car accident (well more or less hippie accident) on one of the idiots pulling my car. Still i dont see the point of the Kyoto protocol, its almost 100 years until the ice caps melt and world wide problems occur, i dont really care about some stupid environmental problem ill be long dead before wide spread death even happens... Well it could be worse, i could have to give up my heat.. oh no! there taking that away too, i dont get how their going to do this, are they going to raise the price of gas? i hope not because i have a limited supply of blankets, and i dont feel like buying more, i happen to be poor. the Kyoto protocol can shove it, let the people in year 2100 figure out the problem, right now i feel like enjoying life without caring about the world, the next time i see a hippie protesting that the Kyoto protocol wont be in affect ill ask him why he cares, he'll be long dead, and if he was alive, he still wouldn't have a friggen job...


HOLY CRAP... i predicted something, "are they going to raise the price of gas".... this was written a while before the gas prices were raised... SEE IM ALWAYS RIGHT...

-i still think hippies smell and should die-