Religion is a big part of our world, there are so many religions out there and they all offer the same bullshit, GOD... yes that’s right god! The most hallucinated being out there, a false image of hope and new life. Its quite obvious that religion is taking over our world, I mean shit we have wars over which religion is better, when the fact is, we all worship the same god, and thats a fact. Im sick of people blaming the "devil" for every problem that we face, every thing that is wrong with the world is because humans are ignorent, they dont want to believe that because of the creation of weapons and drugs, some humans choose to be fucked up. So we turn to our "god" to fix these problems, false hope as i call it, its the feeling of being safe when you are "in gods house" our some shit like that. I hate relgion, and because of relgion we have a bunch of stupid kids following a faceless god around, being dickheads and whineing to their parents about what overly expensive present they want for christmas, religion is an excuse to have days off, to spend money on the most popular items around christmas time and to sleep in... Companys have created what christmas is today, there was never a fucking jesus, and if there ever was i bet you he was a drunken idiot. Religion was created by someone who was high on opium... i highly doubt there is a "god" and if there is, well them im going to hell, but who cares, its hot in hell...

-religion is stupid-