guns dont kill people...

Metal heads everywhere are in a state of shock, as we have lost a very important member in the metal society. "Dimebag" Darrell was shot 5 times on Wednesday night in ohio by some fucking idiot with a gun.

Fucking idiots should not own, or be able to handle fire arms, its a wise choice, but anywhere in america you can own a gun, fucked up it is... Im not one to say that guns should be broken in half and flushed down the toilet, im saying that people who cannot operate guns the right way, should not handle them. Guns are ment for war, and the police to keep people in line, and in this case a gun was use to murder someone who ment alot, to alot of people.

Nathan Gale had the death penelty, he got what he deserved and all the fans should realize that dime aint coming back, but it is good to see all the tributes going out to one of the greatist innovator of metal.

This is the one article i give thanks to anyone, Thanks dime, you were a great influence on a lot of bands, and should keep on rocking where ever you are now!

Dimebag was important because i hate pop, rap and most punk, metal takes talent to play, and holy shit did Dime have talent.

im glad the shooter was killed, and i would like to point out to all you "pantera" and damageplan haters out there how many fans there are, this is the biggest tragidy in metal ever, let Dimebag darrell's soul be within every metalhead, keep rocking dude.

Dimebag Darrell abbott- 1966-2004

-im not heartless, well not all the time-