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Cyrus playing on a log or something Rose with Scampers[the lion], Emmel[the one thats the farthest forward], Hata[the cub with its head on Rose's paws], and Sepien[the other cub]. Inside the royal cave of the outlands! To many to list 'em all.
Kolibri chasing Cyrus!! Staka, Tsavo and Gozany's daughter. Staka's birth mom is Lionness Mace. This is Lako in some dark place thingy. The colors are recolored by Lako the Outsider.
Lako looking at newborn Kolibri! ^.^ aaaaaaaawwwww Tsavo and Gozany... playing? o.O They are a pretty color ^.^ Lako as an adult.
Kolibri[left] standing with Zagra[right]. Destry[left] with Staka[right] looking at.. somethinnngggg. Lako as an adult.[his port]
Lako standing proudly about sumthin o.O Tsavo and two lionesses and Tsavo's mischevious daughter, Staka. Lako as a cub.
Lionness Mace sleeping next to Kavo - Lako as a cub.[his port]
Newborn Malaikazuri almost asleep. - Vitani playing on the ground. The colors are recolored by Lako the Outsider.
Quentonis after Vitani scratched his face ^.^ - Zira with Scar. Drawn by Zira herself! Great job Zira ^.^ ^.^
Quentonis sleeping. ZzZzZzZzZzZzZz - Newborn Vitani laying on a rock bed. Drawn by Zira.
Quentonis and Vitani ^.^ - Newborn Vitani taking her first step. Drawn by Zira.
Vitani laying down lazily after chasing Quentonis. - Vitani sitting. Sorry I couldnt get the colors right x.x and it was darker but I used my computer to make it lighter. Drawn by Vitani.
Vitani getting ready to attack Quentonis. - Lako standing, mad about something.
OH NO! Vitani turned her back on Kolibri and now she's running away!!! - Lako scared because err Zira's yelling at him?
Vitani with Kolibri and Malaikazuri[the cub hiding behind Vit's paw]. - Scar's happpyyyyy YEY
Quentonis with Vitani. Awwwwwwww ^.^ - Vitani playing fetch!
Vitani and [in order from left to right] Zagra, Yoshe, Reaon. - Vitani on the left s happy, Vitani on the right is giving Quen an evil glare ^.^
Vitani holding Zagra, Koli walking infront of her, and Malaikazuri walking behind. - OH NO!!! QUEN DIED....whaaaaa but he's back now o.O Its of Vitani and Zira looking sad :( :(
Zira grooming Vitani when she was a cub, and Vitani not liking it. - Zira protecting the cubs from an evil hyena that was trying to eat them.
Yoshe [left] and Reaon [right] hiding in grass. - Evil grin from Zira, 'wonder what she did.
2 sisters sharing a moment together. Zira is left, Ziono is right. - Kolibri looking inside rocks. Drawn by Kolibri.
Zira and Vitani as a cub, laying next to each other. - *NEW* Lil' Mace, one of Vitani's new pubs(half lion/half hyena). Drawn by Lil' Mace.
Zira is the lioness with her tongue sticking out, Vitani is the one trying to sleep or something. Mala is the one eating, Koli is the one behind Vit, Minania Remle's the one thats the farthest to the left, Zagra's theone walking away from Vitani, Cyrus is the one thats on the left in the back, Reaon is the one with half of her body cut off, and Yoshe is the one next to her. - -
Zentas looking at something. - -
Kavo sleeping. - -
This is Kolibri sleeping. Its one of the few rare times that she isnt causing trouble [and I got a picture of it, WOO-HOO ^.^]. - -
Vitani carrying Kolibri after she ran off. - -
Lako sitting next to trees. - -
Lako roaring at the enemy! - -
Lako and Vitani laying by a er pool?? o.O I have no Idea what that is x.x [just imagine it isnt their] - -
This is Vitani and the cubs. Cyrus is the one ontop of Vitani, If you look closly, Vitalany is real close to Vitani [this is before she was kicked out of the family] Reaon is the one infront of Vitalany, Zagra is the one off to the left, Yoshe is the one close to the 2 fighting cubs, Kolibri is the top one of the fighting cubs, Malaikazuri is the bottom one. - -
In order from left to right, Reaon, Cyrus, Malaikazuri, Kolibri, Yoshe. Zagra is off hunting with Lako and Vitani. - -
Lionness Mace with her cub, Quentia. - -
Vitani nuzzling Mace when she was a cub. - -
Quentonis hunting for food for his family. - -
Quentonis and Mace! ^.^ - -
Quentonis [the lion] and Lionness Mace [the lioness x.x] with Lako [the darkish one] and Vitani [the only one left that I havnt named yet]. - -
Vitani on top of Quentonis, biting him. *evil grin* - -
Sideways hiding. - -
Vitani watching over the outlands! - -
Vitani with Cyrus and Zagra going out to hunt. - -
Vitani and Lako as cubs. Vitani left, Lako right. I think that Vitani looks weird in this pic but it may just be me. - -
Vitani and Lako as cubs. They are near the Wateringhole. Lako's the dark on, Vitani's the light one. - -
Vitani with a crying Malaikazuri! - -
Vitani grooming Reaon while Reaon would rather go and play. - -
Vitani with Reaon and Yoshe before the others are born. - -
Vitani and Yoshe - -
Vitani as a newborn cub with her mom, Zira. - -
Vitani is the one the most to the left, then its Zira, then Ziono. - -
Vitani grooming Kolibri happily! ^.^ - -
[from left to right] Koli, Mala, and Cy eating. - -
Lako watching our cubs. - -
HAHA Lako ^.^ - -
Quen about to get a drink. - -
Quen spots food. - -
Quen laying down laazzyyilyyyyy. - -
Quen looking at grown up Sideways. - -
From left to right is Kolibri, Vitani, Mace, and Zira. They are drinking from the watering hole. - -
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