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TNA Inception
TNA PPV Results (23,07,2003)
Results Taken From
Best of Three - Pinfall
AJ Styles, with Trinity, d. D'Lo Brown

The announcers explained that Vince Russo was barred from ringside for all of the falls in this match. Brown had most of the offense early, including a face first powerbomb and a nice exchange where they reversed anklelocks. Styles came back with a powerbomb, and hit a perfect dropkick for a two count. Brown came back with a backsuplex, but Styles hit a buzzsaw kick for a two count. They went back and forth with strikes and kicks, and Brown got a two count with a spinebuster. Styles got a two count with a Northern Lights suplex. Styles went to the floor, allowing Trinity to kick Brown in the back of the head. Styles hit a springboard 450 splash for a two count. Styles climbed the ropes, but Brown crotched him and hit a Blockbuster off the middle rope (full backflip while holding the opponent in a powerslam position). Brown went for the cover, but Trinity was distracting the referee. Sonny Siaki ran in, suplexed Brown, and put Styles on top of him. The referee counted the pin, and Styles was up one fall to nothing in the three fall match.

Elix Skipper came to the ring, carrying a scale. Skipper talked about how he is the best pound-for-pound wrestler in the world, and mentioned his victory over Amazing Red last week. He issued an open challenge for tonight. A video started playing, introducing "Mad Mikey".

Elix Skipper d. Mad Mikey
Mikey took over, and placed Skipper three quarters of the way across the ring. Mikey went to the opposite corner, climbed up the ropes, jumped off, but stopped short of Skipper, landed on his feet, and then splashed Skipper. They call it the "hop splash". Skipper came back, suplexing Mikey across the top rope, then hitting a slingshot guillotine legdrop. Skipper hit a kneelift to the head. Skipper worked Mikey down with a chinlock, but Mikey came back with a bodyscissors for a two count. Skipper hit a side neckbreaker, and scissorkicked Mikey's neck as it was stretched out across the ring apron. Mikey hit a neckbreaker in the ring, but was too weak to cover. Mikey hit a series of elbows, and a Hot Shot on Skipper, following with a bulldog for a two count. Mikey got a headscissors on Skipper, sending him into the middle turnbuckle. Skipper tried to hit Mikey with the scale, but Mikey blocked it. They had a tug of war over it, with Mikey gaining control of the scale, but the referee took it away from him. As Mikey turned away from the referee, Skipper grabbed him in a tilt-a-whirl into a uranage (Bringing Down The House) for the pin.

Legend went to the ring for his match, accompanied by a security detail. He told them that he would take care of things in the ring, but that security needed to keep their eyes open, presumably for Jeff Jarrett. Legend took the mic in the ring and cut an anti-American and anti-Jeff Jarrett promo. Legend said he had to hire security because Jarrett was a "cheapshot artist". He said the security was hired to watch out for him until the match was over.

Handicap Match
Legend d. Altar Boy Luke & Matt Sydel

Legend manhandled his opponents, despite their attempts to double team him. Legend would toss one man from the ring, beat up on the other, then switch. Jeff Jarrett came out, with a guitar, and sat on the stage. This distraction allowed Sydel and Luke to double team Legend and get a brief advantage. Legend ended up with both men on his back, and gave them a double stunner. Legend hit a pair of Stonecutters (neckbreaker variation) for the pin.

Jeff Jarrett asked if the match was officially over, and since it was, the security detail no longer had to protect Legend. Jarrett hit the ring and attacked Legend, hitting the Stroke on him. However, red-shirted security ran in to stop Jarrett. Jarrett ended up in a shoving match with one of them and punched him out of the ring.

Scott Hudson eavesdropped in on a conversation between Vince Russo and AJ Styles. Russo was telling AJ not to be cocky, because he didn't want to have to face Brown in a ladder match if it went to a third fall.

As D'Lo Brown came down for the second fall, Sonny Siaki attacked him on the ramp. As Brown was fighting with Siaki, AJ Styles clipped his knee from behind. Siaki was ordered away, and the bell began for the second fall.

Best Of Three - Submission
D'Lo Brown d. AJ Styles w/ Trinity

Styles worked on the leg early, applying a Mutalock. Brown fought back, but Styles poked him in the eyes and kicked him to the mat. Styles used a crucifix to turn Brown into a Crippler Crossface. Brown reached the ropes. We saw that Vince Russo was watching from behind the stage. Styles put Brown in a leglace, then switched to a grapevine. Styles went from that into a camel clutch. Styles kicked Brown and punched him in the center of the ring. Brown came back with a flapjack into a stunner. Brown fired off some clotheslines, but Styles grabbed him in a Sharpshooter. Brown tripped out of it, and reversed into his own Sharpshooter. Brown drove his knee into the back of Styles' head as he pulled back on the Sharpshooter, and Styles tapped out. This meant they were going to the third fall, a ladder match.

A pre-taped video of Mike Tenay interviewing Don Callis. Callis has been hired as a "management consultant" by TNA. Callis said there have been two types of management, those that understand business, and those that understand wrestling. He said he understands both. Callis said the fans (who he called "customers") don't want hardcore wrestling, referencing recent events in TNA. Tenay said the bottom line in wrestling is that if you give the fans what they want, they will be happy. Callis laughed it off, saying the customers never know what they want.

Nurse Veronica and Valentina, the Bitch Slap Girls, were in the ring, introducing themselves, and challenging the TNA Girls, Lollipop and April. Security held them back, but referee Rudy Charles told security to let them fight. The catfight began, but Trinity ran out and helped the Bitch Slap Girls. Trinity directed traffic, as the TNA Girls were laid out, including Trinity powerbombing Lollipop.

The "3 Live Crew" (Konnan, Ron Killings and BG James) did their latest comedy bit, this time visiting the "hood". The concept was that James didn't fit in, so he had a "pimp" makeover.

Glen Gilberti was in the ring, and called in ring announcer Jeremy Borash. Borash reluctantly got in the ring, and Gilberti pointed out that since Borash loves AMW so much, he should be a valet for them. Gilberti brought out a hat and dress for Borash so he could be a cowgirl. It resulted in a shoving match between the two, and America's Most Wanted hit the ring and attacked Gilberti, stripping him to his underwear. Simon Diamond & Swinger ran in to attack AMW, and the bell rang to begin the tag title match.

NWA World Tag Team Championship Match
America's Most Wanted d. Simon Diamond & Swinger

Harris and Storm hit dives on Swinger and Diamond early in the match. Diamond and Swinger hit a sideslam/DDT combo on Harris. Simon hit a vertical suplex on Harris. Simon and Swinger managed to keep Harris in for a time, before he made the hot tag to Storm. Simon & Swinger hit a double faceplant on Storm for another two count. Simon hit the Simon Series on Storm for a two count. Harris and Swinger tagged in at the same time, and the match broke down, with all four men in the ring. Harris hit Swinger with a flying bodypress for a two count. AMW went for a heart attack, but Diamond broke it up. Diamond superkicked Storm into a sunset flip by Swinger for a two count. Finally, Harris and Storm hit the Death Sentence on Swinger, but Glen Gilberti ran in and attacked AMW with a bullrope before the pin could be scored, ending the match in a DQ. Gilberti gave Diamond and Swinger leather straps, and the three beat and whipped AMW. They continued the beatdown for several minutes, despite referees and security coming out to stop them. Finally, Gilberti, Diamond and Swinger left the ring.

Shane Douglas, Brian Lee & Slash, w/ James Mitchell, d. Raven, CM Punk, & Julio Dinero
Raven, Punk and Dinero charged the ring, and the match started with all six men brawling. Raven's team cleared the ring of Douglas and the New Church. It settled into a traditional tag match, with Raven and Douglas starting off, but Douglas tagged out to Slash before they locked up. CM Punk tagged in, so it was actually Punk and Slash that started. Punk hit an exploder and a jumping knee in the corner, but was caught on a leapfrog and powerbombed. Lee tagged in, and tossed Punk around. Douglas tagged in and wrenched the neck of Punk. Slash tagged in and her worked on Punk, until missing a flying knee and hitting Lee by mistake. Dinero tagged in and cleaned house on Douglas and Slash. Dinero hit a uranage on Slash, but Lee yanked him from the ring on the cover. Lee rammed Dinero back first into the ringpost. In the ring, Slash hit the whirlybird on Dinero, but Raven broke up the pin. Douglas suplexed Dinero, then tagged in Lee, who choked him. Slash came back in, but missed a somersault off the top rope. Dinero tagged Raven as Slash tagged Douglas. Raven cleaned house on all his opponents, then chased after Douglas into the crowd. Raven and Douglas battled to a curtain, where an arm reached out and grabbed Raven. The figure, who was dressed all in white, including a mask, dragged Raven through the curtain. Back in the ring, Dinero and Punk were still fighting Slash and Lee. Douglas returned to the ring, and hit the Doomsday Device on Punk as Slash held him on his shoulders. Raven emerged from the curtain, crawling back to the ring, his face a bloody mess. Raven made it back to the ring, and he fought all three men, accidentally bumping the referee, but DDTing Lee and Slash. Raven went for a DDT on Mitchell, but Shane Douglas speared Raven through a table in the corner, getting the pin.

Part four of Mike Tenay's interview with Sting aired. Sting talked about his Christian beliefs, and how it changed his lifestyle starting in August in 1998. Sting talked about how Ted DiBiase and Nikita Koloff helped him, and how he felt he was on the verge of losing his family at one point.

Mike Tenay was in the ring, and talked about how NWA-TNA doesn't forget the history of the sport. He introduced Sarah Lee, Corsica Joe, Ricky Morton, Larry Zbyszko, and Harley Race. Kid Kash interrupted, walking out with Abyss. Kash said he wanted to thank the legends personally for what they have done. Kash called Lee one of the first "working rats" in the industry. He said Corsica Joe had Alzheimer's. Kash then told Morton, his trainer, that Morton needed a partner to hold titles, while he could win titles on his own. Kash then made fun of Harley Race, saying he was a multi-time loser of the World title. Morton got on the mic, and ripped on Kash for his lack of respect. Kash slapped Morton, but as Morton went for him, Kash grabbed Sarah Lee and held her in front of him for protection. Erik Watts, in a suit, ran in, grabbed Kash from behind, then chokeslammed him. Watts then told Kash that he was the new "Director Of Authority" in TNA. Watts picked up Kash, and told him you don't disrespect legends, setting Kash up for Harley Race to knock him down with a punch. Abyss watched from ringside, but didn't get involved.

A bloody Raven appeared in his nest with Dinero and Punk. Raven challenged Douglas, Lee and Slash to a six-man "Clockwork Orange House Of Fun" match for next week.

Best of Three - Ladder Match
AJ Styles vs. D'Lo Brown

Styles raced up the aisle at the bell to grab the ladder. Brown followed him, and they brawled back to ringside, without the ladder. Brown was in control at first, but Styles rammed Brown into the ringsteps to take over. Brown whipped Styles towards the guardrail, but Styles slid under the rail to avoid contact. Brown jumped off the ringsteps and launched himself over the rail into a bodypress on Styles. Styles was tossed into the ring, and Brown went for the ladder. He brought it down to ringside. Vince Russo was shown behind the stage, watching the match. Styles went for a tope, but Brown tossed the ladder towards the ropes, hitting Styles in the head. Brown set up a table at ringside and tried to suplex Styles from the ring, but Styles landed on the apron, hit D'Lo with a kick, then hit a springboard dropkick. Brown fell from the ring, and Styles hit a somersault senton. Styles was holding the side of his head after the move, so he may have butted heads on the move. Styles grabbed a steel chair, and hit Brown with it in the ring. Styles brought the ladder into the ring and put it in the corner. Styles whipped Brown into the ladder, then the ladder fell down on him as he slumped to the mat. Styles hit Brown with a chairshot, then wedged a chair inbetween the ropes in one corner. Brown picked up the ladder and went to climb it, but jumped off when AJ charged it. Styles threw the ladder into Brown, then hit him in the gut with it. Styles climbed the ladder, but Brown pulled him off with a one arm powerbomb. We saw that Russo was no longer standing behind the stage. Brown went to climb the ladder, but Styles took him down with a low blow. Styles hit Brown with the ladder. Styles pulled out a table, and dragged it over to the side of the ring by the entrance ramp. Brown came out and backdropped Styles on the ramp. Brown placed Styles on the table at ringside. Brown set up the ladder near the ropes in the ring, climbed to the top and gave Styles a Lo Down frog splash from the top of the ladder through the table at ringside. Brown got back in the ring, climbed the ladder and had his hands on the belt, but Sonny Siaki ran in and tipped the ladder over. Brown fell from the ring, landed with one foot on the table at ringside, then landed awkwardly on the floor. Styles got back in the ring, climbed the ladder and put his hands on the belt. Brown got back in, climbed up, and slugged it out on the top of the ladder. They both fell off the ladder, and landed with both men holding the belt. Vince Russo ran out and started screaming at the referee. The referee told ring announcer Jeremy Borash the official decision, which was that since the champion was not "decisively" defeated, the belt would remain with AJ Styles. Vince Russo started jumping up and down, and was hugging the title belt as the show ended.

TNA Inception 2003