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Welcome to We got the idea for this website from the 'Left Behind : The kids' series. We don't want anyone to be left behind when Jesus comes to rapture his church. What do I do you ask? Well, it is very simple. All that you really need to do is accept Jesus into your heart. Some of you may think that you need to do good deeds to get into heaven. Well, I sorry for all of you who think that, but all you really need to do is pray and have Jesus come into your heart. Some of you may think that you need to do more than just that. But you don't. Once you pray to Jesus to have your sins forgivin, he will come & live in your heart and you can be assured that you will go to heaven. Once you've done that, you can spread the word to everyone that you know. I'm sure that some people won't want to hear the message, but don't give up. They just may not be ready yet. But don't wait too long to keep trying, because He may just conme back tonight, or right this second! No one knows for sure when the time will come, but it may be soon. Here's a simple prayer that you can pray to have Jesus come into your heart. Dear God, I know that I have sinned. I'm sorry. Right now I confess I believe you died for me on the cross. I accept your forgiveness for my sin and I put all my hope and trust in you. Come into my heart right now, in Jesus' name I pray. Amen. That's it. That's all that you have to do. Now go and tell everyone you know about your newfound faith in Jesus Christ. And one more thing. Take a tiny slip of paper and right down 1 person's name on the peice of paper that you know doesn't believe in Jesus Christ. Now, every day, pray for 2 minutes for that person that they might see the light and accept Jesus Christ into their hearts. After that person becomes a believer, write down someone else's name and encourage every believer that you know of to do the same. Remember, God loves you. If you prayed the prayer, you are now his child. God bless. ~*theunderground*~

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