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Name Level Class Title Realm Points
Meradin AlThor 44 Cleric Holy Leader 16349
Ameandra DragonHeart 45 Wizard Chosen 3086
Leaona Silverhand 41 Cleric Chosen 3077
Jasuran Windrunner 37 Minstrel Chosen 883
Mortonious Bladewielder 35 Paladin Noble 40
Barbara Ashwin 24 Minstrel Ranger 0
Wire 20 Scout Ranger 1
Lusive 13 Scout Initiate 0
Nomicon 5 Scout Initiate 0




The Fallen is a guild that promotes RvR.  Our main goal is to defend the land of Albion from its enemies.  Secondary we look out for our own.  Older members should try to help out younger members so our guild can become more powerful and help in the fight for Albion.



The Fallen Guild is run by a counsel. Decision making is done entirely by the Counsel of Chosen.  They vote on every decision that is to be made.  The Holy Leader has final say.  He may make his own rules and veto anything counsel has done, however most will be left to the counsels discretion. The Holy Leader also finalizes guild policy, acts as Field General in all warfare (unless he has delegated a Chosen to take command), and will delegate specific duties to the Chosen, while helping guild members as much as possible. If you have any questions about the guild, the Chosen should be your first point of contact.  If the problem cannot be resolved through the Chosen then the Holy Leader should be contacted.

The current rank hierarchy of the guild is as follows:

Rank 0:   Holy Leader
Rank 1:   Chosen
Rank 2:   Noble
Rank 3:   Officer

Rank 4:   Keeper of Albion
Rank 5:   Knight (5 through 8 are equal)
Rank 6:   Mage (5 through 8 are equal)
Rank 7:   Ranger (5 through 8 are equal)
Rank 8:   Healer (5 through 8 are equal)
Rank 9:   Fallen Initiate

Rank 1:   Chosen - Next in the hierarchy are The Chosen. The Chosen are in charge of the guild, acting as the Holy Leaders second in command. The Chosen have the right to promote and demote guild members, invite new guild members, remove guild members (who are below the rank of officer) and speak in the officer and alliance chat channels, in addition to the priviledges accorded to regular guild members. Officers are required to wear the guild emblem at all times, and are required to spend a portion of their time helping other guild members, grouping with guild members, Power leveling younger members, helping with quests, hand-me-downs, or tips. Officers will also be asked to go out of their way to promote/demote current members, or invite potential guildies whenever necessary.  There will be no more than 9 Chosen, unless this is changed by the Holy Leader or the Counsel.  Only the Holy Leader may promote members to the rank of Officer(rank 3) or above.  The Chosen also have the ability to initiate guild alliances.

Rank 2:   Noble – Rank 3:   Officer - Ranks 2 and 3  are high ranking positions in the guild.  They have power to invite members.  They do not have the right to promote members.  They are also required to wear the guild emblem at all times.  They can speak in Alliance Chat, not Officer chat.  They do not have the power to remove members.  Nobles are next in line to become one of the Chosen.

Rank 4:   Keeper of Albion – RvR rank.  This is for members who have proven themselves in Realm Combat.  May not invite, promote or remove. May choose to wear the emblem but it is preferred that they do.

Rank 5:   Knight - Rank 6:   Mage - Rank 7:   Ranger - Rank 8:   Healer – Are players who are past the probationary period and have proven themselves to be worthy of a full fledged guild member.  These are all equal in rights.  You will go in the rank that is appropriate for your class.  They do not  have the right to invite, promote, remove, talk in officer chat, or alliance chat.  May choose to wear the emblem but it is preferred that they do.

Rank 9:   Fallen Initiate – These are the members who are in the probationary period.  They have almost no rights.  They must stay here for a minimum of 2 weeks.  Anyone below level 20 may not leave this position till level 20 is attained.  Unless the Holy Leader or one of the Chosen think they are worthy of moving on(this should rarely happen

If a Fallen Initiate makes no attempt to be promoted to full guild status (which really doesn't require a lot of effort to attain), his or her interest in participating in the guild may come into question. At this point, the Chosen or the Holy Leader may take appropriate action, as necessary, possibly removing the Initiate from the guild altogether.

NOTE: The guild ranks above are subject to change or modification at any time. They will most likely be revised soon, and rank names are subject to change at any time.



The Fallen is a strong guild and our ultimate goal to become a major force in Percivals Albion. In order to do so, we require a solid member base of players who enjoy the game and are either good at it, or are working toward higher levels of skill. It is important for our members to support each other, thereby making the gameplay experience more fun and rewarding for everyone.

Our requirements are simple. Enjoy playing the game, and don't get in the way of others in their quest to enjoy playing the game. Help each other to gain in power. Learn how best to cooperate, always keeping in mind that the realm wars await you and your fellow guildies. Share old equipment with lower-level guild members, especially if it is magical. Craft weapons and armor at no more than cost. Behave with diginity and honor when playing, especially with players from other guilds. Above all, have fun and keep the interests of your guildmates in mind.



The Holy Leader, The Chosen, Nobles and Officers alone have the ability to induct new members into the guild, but all guild members are encouraged to invite players to join. If you come across an un-allied player, stop a moment and ask in a friendly fashion if he or she would be interested in joining The Fallen. Inviting a new player to the guild or promoting an existing guild member requires an Officer and guild member to be together in-game. All it takes is a quick message via /tell or /gu and an officer can act on your recruitment, most likely coming to wherever you are to meet up with the potential new recruit, unless the officer is unable to do so at the present time (this must be a good reason, didn’t feel like it is not a good reason) If this is the case, the officer will most likely meet with the potential recruit at a later time or date. If an officer is unwilling to meet with you, please notify the Guildmaster immediately.

If you are interested in promoting the guild to friends, or find a player who may make a suitable addition in the future, be sure to suggest that they check out the guild web site. The simplest way to do this is just to give them our web site's URL,, and let them evaluate the guild at their convenience.



Resource management is one area where guilds can be a big help. Unselfish play is necessary for equipment allocation and re-allocation to work well. Members must be willing to pass hand-me-downs to lower-level (or "younger") players, or give powerful items to players who can best use them. It is also asked that members keep loot within the guild. Don't give your second pair of the something to some random person. Put it in your vault and give it to the next guildie you come across who might need it.

Communication is also vital to resource allocation. The guild has come up with various methods to help with this, and the game itself has certain conventions to facilitate sharing. One of the guild officers always acts as a coordinator of guild inventory, which is taken to mean the collective booty held by all members. If you have items or coin to donate to the guild, you can always hand them to an officer for reallocation. The guild forums are also a good place to post requests or offerings. Another great tool is the guild chat channel. If you have an item that you no longer need, send a message out over guild chat every so often until you have a taker. If nothing else, items can always be stashed in your character's vault for later.



Cooperation is essential in realm warfare. If you find yourself in a group, be as helpful and cooperative as possible. Make sure there is a definite leader in your group, and follow that leader's orders as quickly and efficiently as possible. If a target is named, and an attack ordered, follow through immediately. Battles are often won or lost based on split-second decisions. Your mis-timed action could very well cause the death of your entire force.

If you happen to be the designated leader of your group, know your business. If you are a Realm vs. Realm newbie, do not accept the leadership role. Fall into a supportive role and learn.

It is in RvR warfare that our guild needs the best representation to other guilds. More than at any other stage in the game, members are asked to play with honor, respect, and dignity. Do your best, and make not only your fellow guildmates proud, but the rest Albion as well. Your successes as a higher level character have the potential to translate into statistical bonuses for the entire realm.

Finally, as a higher-level character, always be willing to answer the call to arms. Sometimes raids hit with little or no warning, and only the few and most powerful are able to save Albion from defeat. Likewise with raids that we initiate. It takes enormous numbers to conquer an enemy keep. Sometimes one or two players can be all it takes for the scales to tip in our favor. In the process, you're also promoting our guild. Keep that in mind when engaging the enemy with fellow players from Albion — you never know when you might run into a guild-less player looking for a friend.



We encourage all guild members to frequent the web site, especially the message forums. The web site has been built in order to facilitate intra-guild communications; in the future, it may be used to host guild alliance discussions, arrange guild hunts and other events (via a dynamic online calendar, which is nearly complete), and manage guild inventory.



As was said earlier, the The Fallen is a strong and growing organization. As members, we are each responsible for the quality of our guild through skilled, cooperative, and friendly play. Work together to accomplish guild and realm goals, or to help individuals achieve personal goals. Above all, have fun. Guilds are all about making friends and, with those friends, experiencing parts of the game one could never experience alone. Enjoy!




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