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10/14/2003 8:00 AM

I suck, I suck i suck suck and I need more damn practice with both my two characters (Robbie and Chris) and also Paint Shop(GRRRR....). I'm going to move the site to an undisclosed location, redo it, and when I actually have a de4cent comic to put up I'll link it from here. Sorry about... EVERYTHING

-Brandon Out

Slacking off Slackmeter
10/12/2003 12:00 AM

Yes, I know, I'm a bum. I haven't gotten anything done, not even a slackmeter. The site is the same, the page is the same, the content is the same (nothing). I will probably have something up by Monday, but considering my current track record on deadlines don't count on it.

On a brighter note, hopefully Robbie will be taking over the html/php/wtf as I have NO idea what I'm doing with it(fairly obvious by now). Don't worry if you don't know who Robbie is, because you shouldn't, as I don't have the damn character sketch up yet.

Working with Deadlines will kill me, I know it.

-Brandon Out

I (don't) Have Character
10/11/2003 12:00 AM

Alright, got some graphics for the site done and (hopefully) will finish my character sketches/page sometime today(tomorrow). God, I still don't have a really solid concept for the first strip, only for those after, which is scary as I want to get it up on Monday. I'm probably going to make a "slack meter" to show my complete lack of prgress in anything but.

-Brandon Out