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Wonderful APHA 2 Year Old Gelding

I am offering this wonderful boy for sale. Suprising? Yes. Scoot is a wonderful 2 year old gelding, home raised. I purchased him and his mother when he was a week old, and raised him from there. Last April he was taken to a trainer where he recieved (supposingly) 60 days training. Since then I have put on 30+ more days. So he actually has well over 90 days. He walks, trots, lopes, stops when you say whoa. He doesn't neck rein completely yet, but he's been worked on with it.
Scoot has an awesome personality. He doesn't kick, bite, or try to lead you. When you come to his pasture with a halter he normally comes to the fence and whinnies like "You taking me out?!?!" He isn't excitable, which is a plus for a two year old. He stands for the farrier like a gentleman, and takes shots like an ol pro. He is up to date on all his shots, and has negative coggins. He does have shoes, but he will go barefoot. We have done a lot of road riding and our roads are gravel, so shoes were a must for us. He isn't pastured with other horses, but he has been in the past and does great. Very social and loving. Ground ties. We have taken him on overnight trail rides and he trailers perfectly and stands tied like a champ. Very easy to work with. I wouldn't put a beginning rider on him, but an intermediate with experience would go great (I'm 16 and have been riding for several years, and he's perfect with me) he isn't hard to work with at anything. He lounges for as long as you want him to. Stands when you mount (does anyone else hate it when horses walk off?)
I do use blunt spurs on him as he gets kind of lazy. Lately I haven't and he's been working fine, but I'm not going to say he will stay like that. He's very laid back. My friend and I rode him double and she knocked him in the flanks with her spurs on accident and he didn't even flinch. He has been taken around barrels once, but he needs to be finished out before being put on speed events. I'm selling him due to the fact that he's so laid back that he doesn't work for the shows I do (speed events : pole bending, barrels, flags, you get the idea) but with more time and training I believe he could do it. He does have speed, just not under saddle. He's a real gentleman. He has cow breeding in him, so ranch work might be his thing. He's been ridden down roads (very traffic safe) through creeks, mud, sand, through timber (we created our own trails through a timber, plows right through just about anything) has been taken out and RAN, and he comes right back down to a nice walk, like I said NOT easily excitable. Never had any trailer training, but he walks right into the trailer like he's done it his whole life, no hesitation. Trailers nicely beside strange horses. You teach him something and it stays in his head. He does stall, but he loves his pasture. Can't be fed grain, as it makes him overly energetic. He's a ladies horse, as he was trained by a man. We believe he associates men with the trainer. I'm not sure if he acts up with all men, but he does with my dad. When he goes to mount he will flick his ears back, but he won't buck. He just doesn't pick his ears up and go with him like he will for me. It may be a weight difference too. I will put a 30 day guarentee on him. You buy him, if within a month you find he doesn't work for you, bring him back and I'll give you your money back. He's worth every penny I'm asking. The price I'm asking is what we have in him, with all the shots, training, farrier bills, etc. I will want a buy back contract, meaning if you ever decide to sell him I want to be the one with first choice. It's very hard for me to let go of him, as we are really close and he's the first horse I've raised. He means a lot to me, so whatever home he goes to has to be a FANTASTIC one. I will have the say on whether he stays or goes.
He can be registered with the APHA, I just never did because he's a gelding and I wasn't planning on any big time shows with him. So, if you want him to be registered I can give you copies of the sire and dam's papers.
He's truly a great horse, one you have to come out and see work. I've never been around a two year old as mellow as this. When other horses are acting up, he'll prick his ears and watch but it doesn't effect him in any way, he'll stand there nice and quiet. When we have company and we're all sitting out in our yard, I'll ride him around and use him as a chair. I sit back behind his saddle and cross my legs in the saddle, and he won't move a muscle, he goes to sleep. I can drop his reins and walk off and he'll stand there. He had A LOT of ground training and respect training, so he isn't going to hurt anyone. Put another year or so on him and I honestly trust that he'd make a fantastic kids horse, he's just that good. He likes being hosed off, I don't even tie him up. I drop the lead line and just start hosing. At first he'll walk in circles but then once he realizes that he's just being hosed he'll stand quietly and let you. Very healthy.His sire is 16 hands and his dam is 15.2 so he should mature somewhere between there. He's 14.3 to 15 hands now.
If you are interested, please contact me by email
or call me
Thank you!

Scoot as an early yearling. He grew out of the downhillness
Yearling in barn
Yearling looking up at me on a hayrack
Good pic of his eye marking. He's 2 months here
Another face pic. 2 months