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"You don't want to do this," Spike backed away slowly, the lack of confidence on his face evident. That's it mate, think you got ma' knickers in a twist? "I could.. let you off with a warning," chuckling nervously, his arogant opponent kept walking towards him. That's it William, reel 'em in. "As a personal favor from me to you, of course. It's not everyday I give you wankers a second ch--"

A swing to the jaw sent Spike falling onto his back, Adam grinned victoriously at the fallen officer.. planting a firm foot on his chest. "This isn't a fucking joke, English. You better tell me right the hell now where you put the loot," The helpless gaze plastered on Spike's face was delibrate, and he simply shrugged in response.

"Don't know what you're talking about. But I'm sure if you let me up I could--"

Damnit Harris, where the sod are you?

"Hell with this, I'm not playing 'stall the dumbass' with you,"

As if on cue, Xander Harris made his presence felt in the empty parking lot with a foot stomping into the pavement, as he pointed a suspecting finger at Adam. "Unhand him, you fiend!"


These blokes are killing me, so bloody easy! Fucking tool, never let your guard down.

And with the momentary distraction, Spike sent his heel into Adam's groin.. creating a redenned look of agony on the criminal's face.

The plat. blond flipped up triumphantly, sending Adam staggering back with a right hook in retaliation for the previous blow to the jaw. "Hate to be the foiler of those mind 'oggling schemes, but this is the bit in which you shut your gob and come queitly, and I don't think you'll fancy the alternative."

Harris pointed a 9 millimeter at the wanted murderer, preparing himself to pull.

"Shoot me, pig," Adam spat, his eyes still fixated on the man who swung at him. "Won't change shit." And with that, he charged at Spike. The two men struggled for dominance with Spike's back pressed against the back of a car.

"Harris.. shoot him!"

Obeying command, Xander fired a bullet.

Shit! The shot missed, but sent the message clear that the officer's were in fact prepared to kill him. With that, Adam tossed Spike aside and sprinted away.

Xander didn't cease fire, shot aftet shot only managing to break car windows. Spike got to his feet and yanked the weapon from his partners hands and sprung off to catch, and kill, Adam.

"I would've had him!" Xander yelled bitterly as he was left alone in the parking lot, useless.

Meanwhile, Spike was too close to his primary target for Adam's comfort.. and when the opening presented itself, a shot to the leg sent the murderer sprauling to the floor.


"Right then.. this the part where I take you in."

Adam simply grunted, inarticulate from the pain.

"Thing is, I have a yen for you. Figured it out, you don't give two shits whether or not I haul your ass to the bighouse.. well, you know what mate? Bugger that!"

"You won't.." clenching his teeth, Adam struggled to form words. "...kill me."

"These nancy boy cops, hell yeah they'd let you live. Me? I don't fancy protecting mass murders."

And with that, Spike aimed the gun at Adam's head.. and sent a bullet clashing into his forehead.

A sick smirk broadened on the cop's face, and he digged into his duster to pull out a cigarette. "'Side's, who's gonna know?"
