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SEPP: How Harmful is Tobacco Smoke?

The Reason: Ifs and Butts

FORCES: Paper of Dissent



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Smokers Voice

The purpose of this site is to provide pipe, cigar and cigarette smokers a place to voice their views on smoking and the various smoking bans which are either presently enacted or being enacted around the country and around the world.

Modern American society is in the process of stripping itself from the liberties that have been guarenteed by the US Constitution. The American people are allowing the government on a local, state or federal level to take more and more control in their lives by enacting laws banning legal activites and levying unduly high taxes on these self-same activities.

Among these vanishing rights is smoking. Anti-smoking groups are very vocal about the dangers and hazards of smoking. Smoking IS hazardous to one'e health. I believe that is fairly common knowledge. There are diseases whose causes can be directly attributed to smoking.

Anti-smokers have taken it upon themselves to cleanse smoking from our society to ensure that people will be healthier. They have lobbied for smoking bans in 'public' places and for tough 'anti-smoking laws' to help curb future costs in healthcare for the elderly. In their fervor, though, anti-smoking activists have forgotten some very basic facts:

  • Smoking is a choice.
    In selecting the hobby/habit of smoking, the smoker has chosen to take the risk of becoming ill. People are not born smokers. They make a conscious choice. They make this choice for a variety of reasons. This choice is protected by the US Constitution, the document which our system of government is based upon.
    This is the same principle as those who choose to be fast food eaters, coffee drinkers or sun bathers. The greasy burger from local burger chain, caffiene and UV rays are known health hazards, and can be extremely harmful if a person has a large amount of exposure. These could also be said to be 'epidemics', and yet smokers are the ones asked to pay extra taxes or give up their RIGHT to smoke because anti-smokers are offended.

  • Not all smokers are cigarette smokers.
    This may sound as a ridiculously simplistic comment, but unfortunately, it is not. Statistics regarding smoking are all geared toward cigarette smoking. Pipe and cigar smoking is relatively unstudied. The methods of smoking cigars and pipes varies from the method of smoking cigarettes, thus the health benefits and risks are bound to be different. The aroma of the smoke is also vastly different.

  • "Public Places" such as bars and restaurants are NOT public at all.
    Bars and restaurants are privately (NOT government) owned enterprises. The owners of the establishment offer a good or service for public consumption. They are a part of our economy, and in places where smoking has been banned in such places, their business has declined.
    These owners buy or lease the property, pay the utilities and provide the community with jobs. They should be afforded the same right and courtesy of choice as the private citizen in his own home.

  • The rights of anti-smokers are no more important than the rights of smokers.
    Article IX of the Constitution states: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." In plain language: No one person's rights supercede another's.

    Article XIV Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Plainly put: The government cannot pass laws which would infringe upon the rights of citizens unless they hear from both sides. This has clearly not happened. This website is working to change that.


Some other Points to Ponder:

  • Reports on Second Hand Smoke are contradictory and at times fraudulently overblown.
    One of the big arguments that anti-smokers use is that 'second hand smoke is dangerous to everyone around the smoker.' These claims do bear a seed of truth in that increased eye, nasal andrespiratory irritation. Claims that second hand smoke are a leading risk factor of heart disease, etc have not been proven.

  • We do not have a system of socialized healthcare. The elderly in the United States are eligible to apply for medicare. This does not guarentee that they will receive it. The primary coverage for the majority of the population of the country is private insurance. With private insurance, the insured pays premiums and covers all costs that the insurance company does not. Smokers are charged a higher premium to help 'cover the cost of increased likelyhood of disease'. That being said, I believe it is unfair that anti-smoking groups use cost as one of their rallying points.

  • Prohibition didn't work. In the early part of the Twentieth Century, maing, selling, and transporting alcohol was deemed unsafe and illegal. Prohibition began, but ended when speakeasys and moonshine runners abounded. It will happen again if the anti-smokers successfully attain their bans. Tobacco is an evil that is best confronted out in the open (and quality-control regulated) and not in back alleys.

** The views expressed on this page are one person's opinion only. I do not in any way imply that I am speaking on behalf of any group or anyone other than myself.**

Oh, and by the way: I am a NON-SMOKER. I don't enjoy it, but I don't agree with the way that freedoms of some of our citizens are being taken away by vocal interest groups.