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Songs and Band Member Pics

Busy at Best
2002 (Bob Schneider Cover)
The Pitchfork
The Scientist
In Love (the ballad of Eugene Schacht & the Sloppy Sevenths)
Homemade Whiskey and Store Bought Pie
TnT (Live)
Band Pictures

We formed on January 15th when Brad bought his first banjo. Justin started to practice playing on Eugene's Mandolin, Eugene took over as lead guitarist and singer, Taylor took up the harmonica, Drew plays the whiskey bottle, pan, and sings backup vocals. Ben plays the spoons, and Chris/Nick smack a stollen Applebees sign with a wooden cane. We're still looking for someone to play the fiddle, but until then we'll be jamming every night and just playing the music that we've come to love; Alernative Bluegrass (as far as we know, we're the only band that plays this). Thanks for visiting, and check back for updated songs. We plan on recording many more live versions of our songs, and we'll try to make some clean studio-esque versions, but that's kind of a bitch and may take time. Peace.
