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I had a whole chain of other pages, almost a web ring lol, but it was from expage and that place is so...old? Right now I have nothing beter to do. Bout me: I live on an avenue, in the country, in a town, in a county, in a state, in a country in the universe. Does that help clear up where I live? I was named Brandi for no real reason, i dont even think my parents drink brandi. Unlike deana, i cherish my eyes. I think they are really beautiful. She cherishes her name. I don't. My friends mean a lot to me, and I want them to know that. Like Richie, i put my friends first. Even before myself. Some people can tell how I'm feeling by how im dressed. When I feel good I take time in selecting my clothes and making sure every strand of hair is in place, when I'm not feeling good its basically the opposite. Yea Its me, oh damn huh? Anyways, heres some info.... FYI I'm Brandi, or Shortie as most people know me. Ummm unlike Deana I'm not very graceful anymore, lol. I show and own horses, I show cattle, and I'm not here to please anyone. I don't consider myself a showoff, I'm a pretty normal kid. Some people say I'm very mature (scott, but we all know he lies lol). So yea. Heres some shoutoutz, if ur not on here I wonder why. ~!~Shoutouts~!~ (bois (sorry jrod) to gurls) ~!'*`~~```~!**`~!`!`***>.>>...~!!~`~!~!`~****'`^...^* Scott~ Please dont play basketball, and ifu gotta be careful, otherwise I'm gonna sit here and pretend to not be worried Tony T~ Take a breather and stop worrying about me, im fine William~ Hey locker buddy!!! Me and my fine ass lol, you are so funny, can't wait till school starts, ur green skittles ;) Nathan~ Where have you been? Daves~Did i honestly add you? Deana~ richie richie richie...u dont like oatmeal.... Syd~Eh, we prolly wont have classes together anymore,since im in whileit lasted Alyse~ youve got a pool. Nanner (breonna)~NANNER!!!*snort* hiya clyde! Britt~ wassup girlie? Jacque~Hey Zach~confused If you aren't on here it either means i dont like you (surprising huh?well guess again) or you just werent on my mind. Scott Deana William and in a way tony are all i really cared about at the moment anyways, everyone else was an after thought. Sorry

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