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                       My Brother and Cousin's page

    This is my brother and cousin's page.  First, I must confess that it was really hard for me to take their pictures.  To tell the truth, they ran away from me as soon as I grasp the camera.  Why should I behave like one of the paparazzi?  Why should they avoid me from taking pictures?

    My cousin and his parents live with our grandparents, so I thought it was a good idea to take his and my brother's picture after taking my grandparents'.  They are both seniors at the same senior high school, so whenever they get together, they always start playing games.  Fortunately they were playing soccer this time, so I sneaked intothe place and took some pictures, but most of them were blur.  If only they had agreed to be taken the pictures!
    By the way, my cousin is at the left side and my brother, at the right side of the picture.


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