Index page for Rock on the Range

Welcome to Rock On the Range, My personal fan fiction site for THE YOUNG RIDERS.
For those unfamiliar to the show, The Young Riders was a show on ABC back in the early 1990's that was set around the pony express.
I have to give the credit to most of the characters in the stories to the creators and writers of the show, but there are many in the story that are my own.

Now, sit back and enjoy. If you like what you read, let me know, and please pass it along to your friends. If you don't, please let me know still, so that I can learn!!!

By the by, I should let you all know that the story's are on the racy side. If that offends you, then I would suggest that you don't read chapter nine and beyond, or Unexpected Honeymoon. The rest is pretty tame. Thanks for visiting, and come back again soon!

Oh, standard disclaimer: I, once again, do not own the characters in this story that are from the show "The Young Riders". I make no money off of this, don't sue me.



Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Unexpected Honeymoon
Welcomed surprises
Join the Murfwatch Updates list
Short story: GOODBYE
Sixteen Candles Reprises A Buffy/Angel series.
