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This is the format for each entry in the resource table:

Format of table:
|  BYTE #: |
| 12345678 |

|  OFFSET  |

TYPE can be any of these (underscore = NULL):

| DIR_ | A resource which contains a list of pointers to other resources |
| FILE | A resource which contains pointers to metadata                  |
| INDX | A resource that implements a file system index*                 |
| URSA | A resource that contains a compressed URS filesystem archive    |
| APP_ | A resource that is an executable object                         |
| LINK | A resource that points to another resource                      |

UI is the creator's User Identification

GI is the creator's Group Identification

The next two fields are used by the system and should NOT be transferred in any way

LOCATION is the resources location on disk (either i-node, cluster, or sector)

OFFSET is the byte offset of the location that the resource starts at

This is EXTREMELY useful for this file system as shown here:

without OFFSET:                                  with OFFSET:

+----------------------+                         +----------------------+
|       testfile       |                         |       testfile       |
+--------+------+------+                         +--------+------+------+
|  FILE  | 0000 | 0000 |                         |  FILE  | 0000 | 0000 |
+--------+------+------+                         +--------+------+------+
| 00000000000000000004 |------+                  | 00000000000000000004 |------+
+----------------------+      |                  +----------------------+      |
| 00000000000000000000 |      |                  | 00000000000000000000 |      |
+----------------------+      |                  +----------------------+      |
                              |                                                |
                              |                                                |
                              |                                                |
                              |                                                |
                              |                                                |
                              |                                                |
                              |                                                |
+----------------------+      |                  +----------------------+      |
|       testfile       |------+                  |       testfile       |------+
+--------+-------------+                         +--------+-------------+
|  ATTR  | ----------- |                         |  ATTR  | ----------- |
+--------+-------------+                         +--------+-------------+
| 00000000000000000005 |                         | 00000000000000000004 |
+----------------------+                         +----------------------+
| 00000000000000000000 |                         | 000000000000000000C0 |
+----------------------+                         +----------------------+
|       banner__       |                         |       banner__       |
+--------+-------------+                         +--------+-------------+
|  JPEG  | ----------- |                         |  JPEG  | ----------- |
+--------+-------------+                         +--------+-------------+
| 00000000000000000006 |                         | 00000000000000000004 |
+----------------------+                         +----------------------+
| 00000000000000000000 |                         | 00000000000000000000 |
+----------------------+                         +----------------------+
|       body____       |                         |       body____       |
+--------+-------------+                         +--------+-------------+
|  TEXT  | ----------- |                         |  TEXT  | ----------- |
+--------+-------------+                         +--------+-------------+
| 00000000000000000007 |                         | 00000000000000000004 |
+----------------------+                         +----------------------+
| 00000000000000000000 |                         | 00000000000000000000 |
+----------------------+                         +----------------------+
|       template       |                         |       template       |
+--------+-------------+                         +--------+-------------+
|  XML_  | ----------- |                         |  XML_  | ----------- |
+--------+-------------+                         +--------+-------------+
| 00000000000000000008 |                         | 00000000000000000004 |
+----------------------+                         +----------------------+
| 00000000000000000000 |                         | 00000000000000000000 |
+----------------------+                         +----------------------+
|       default_       |                         |       default_       |
+--------+-------------+                         +--------+-------------+
|  ICON  | ----------- |                         |  ICON  | ----------- |
+--------+-------------+                         +--------+-------------+
| 00000000000000000009 |                         | 00000000000000000004 |
+----------------------+                         +----------------------+
| 00000000000000000000 |                         | 00000000000000000000 |
+----------------------+                         +----------------------+
|       back____       |                         |       back____       |
+--------+-------------+                         +--------+-------------+
|  WAVE  | ----------- |                         |  WAVE  | ----------- |
+--------+-------------+                         +--------+-------------+
| 0000000000000000000A |                         | 00000000000000000004 |
+----------------------+                         +----------------------+
| 00000000000000000000 |                         | 00000000000000000000 |
+----------------------+                         +----------------------+


|  OFFSET  |

Metadata a file can contain are:

| ATTR | The attribute list of the file                                  |
| USER | A user list file                                                |
| CONF | A variable configuration script                                 |
| CODE | Binary code                                                     |
| FORM | A GUI window description                                        |
| CLIB | A code library                                                  |
| LIST | A pre-parsed string list                                        |
| ICON | An icon set( 16x16x256, 32x32x16, 64x64x24)                     |
| DLIB | A data library                                                  |
| TEXT | Plain ASCII text                                                |
| XML_ | XML formating of the file                                       |
| JPEG | Image in JPEG format                                            |
| BMP_ | Image in bitmap format                                          |
| GIF_ | Image in GIF format                                             |
| VECT | Image stored in a vector format                                 |
| WAVE | A waveform sound                                                |
| MP3_ | A mp3 encoded sound                                             |
| MPEG | Video in MPEG format                                            |

These are not set in stone and new resource types can be created later.
However, new resource types MUST be an open standard and must include a FREE
viewing application (editors can be proprietary, though).

| bit | description                                            |
|  0  | Name Lock                                              |
|  1  | In Use Flag                                            |
|  2  | Protected Flag                                         |
|  3  | Shadow Flag                                            |
|  4  | Indexed Flag                                           |
|  5  | Shared Flag                                            |
|  6  | Template Flag                                          |
|  7  | Copyright Flag                                         |
|  8  | System Flag                                            |
|  9  | Archive Flag                                           |
|  A  | Reserved                                               |
|  B  | Reserved                                               |
|  C  | Reserved                                               |
|  D  | Reserved                                               |
|  E  | Reserved                                               |
|  F  | Reserved                                               |
| 10  | Reserved                                               |
| 11  | Reserved                                               |
| 12  | Reserved                                               |
| 13  | Reserved                                               |
| 14  | Reserved                                               |
| 15  | Reserved                                               |
| 16  | Reserved                                               |
| 17  | Reserved                                               |
| 18  | Reserved                                               |
| 19  | Reserved                                               |
| 1A  | Reserved                                               |
| 1B  | Reserved                                               |
| 1C  | Reserved                                               |
| 1D  | Reserved                                               |
| 1E  | Reserved                                               |
| 1F  | Reserved                                               |


	Contains info on the attributes of a file
	(each field is 16 Bytes long)

	|       Long       |
	|        |         |
	|        |         |
	|        |         |
	|        |         |
	|        |         |
	|        |         |
	|       File       |
	|        |         |
	|        |         |
	|        |         |
	|        |         |
	|        |         |
	|        |         |
	|        |         |
	|       Name       |

     WA, GA, UA, and RA stand for world, creator's group, creator, and creator's remote access priviliges
     each is 16 flags in this format:
	|bit| description                                                         |
	| 0 | Read Lock                                                           |
	| 1 | Write Lock                                                          |
	| 2 | Explore Lock                                                        |
	| 3 | Overwrite Lock                                                      |
	| 4 | Copy Lock                                                           |
	| 5 | Move Lock                                                           |
	| 6 | User Lock                                                           |
	| 7 | Name Lock                                                           |
	| 8 | Resource Edit Lock                                                  |
	| 9 | Shared Flag                                                         |
	| A | Device Flag                                                         |
	| B | Template Flag                                                       |
	| C | Backup Flag                                                         |
	| D | Hide Flag                                                           |
	| E | Encrypted Flag                                                      |
	| F | Compressed Flag                                                     |
A Lock is used here to refer to when the flag is 1, you CANNOT do it;
While Flag means that this file IS something