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Collectormania 4 Meet-Up Information

No Nearly Headless Nick in PoA
In an interview with
Ain't it Cool News, John Cleese revealed that he will not be making an appearance in the third movie, but will return for the fourth. Thanks to everybody who emailed.
Posted by Emerson on 08/22 | comments [94] | send to friend | submit news

Nobel Prize bid for JKR fails to take off
BBC News:

Not a single person sent a letter to the Nobel Committee suggesting her for the 2004 literature award despite an internet crusade asking them to do so. Although more than 100 people e-mailed, the Nobel Prize For Jo site asked fans to send letters by post to Sweden.
Posted by Jamie on 08/22 | comments [39] | send to friend | submit news

More set reports on iHP has set reports from days 4 and 5 of filming at Virginia Waters.
Posted by Emerson on 08/21 | comments [41] | send to friend | submit news

CoS Forums down time
CoS Forums will be down for the next 24 hours due to technical difficulties with its server. The staff regret any incovenience caused, but they are at the mercy of their hosts. We will keep you updated with information as and when we receive any.
Posted by Emerson on 08/21 | comments [43] | send to friend | submit news

Libertarian gives OotP shining review
Eryk Boston, a writer for the
Libertarian Party website, has given book 5 an exceptionally positive review, saying it's one of the most anti-government books since Atlas Shrugged. While at first glance that may sound a little extreme, if you think about it, he's right. (Remember Fudge and the Ministry?)

While the books are widely enjoyed by children, neither the plot nor the vocabulary of the books can be said to be childish.

Well said, Mr. Boston.

Thanks, Matt, for the link.
Posted by Emerson on 08/20 | comments [61] | send to friend | submit news

Harry Potter sand castle competition
Saugus Online has an article about a sand sculpting competition in New Hampshire. The novice sculpters were told to make Harry Potter castles, and you can see part of one of them (Gryffindor dormitory) at the link.

Thanks to Rosetta for the tip.
Posted by Emerson on 08/20 | comments [29] | send to friend | submit news

Tom Felton in New York for carp fishing tournament
Thanks, Terry, for pointing me to this brief article on the
North Country Public Radio web site, where there is a small picture and a short audio story about his involvement in the St. Lawrence International Junior Carp Tournament.
Posted by Emerson on 08/20 | comments [73] | send to friend | submit news

Update on the virus
The staff at MuggleNet thanks those of you who have run the cleaning tool or stopped the virus from running on your computers. The flood of mail has significantly slowed down, but we're still getting messages so some of you still have the virus.

To clarify, many of you seem to think that we, the staff, are telling you that we're infected. This isn't so. We posted the alerts because some of you, the visitors of the site, are infected and creating an exodus of e-mail to our inboxes. Shortly after the problem began, everyone on staff ran the utility on their computers and all came up clean, but we cannot stop them from coming so long as visitors have the virus. If you haven't run the utility mentioned in the news post below yet, we urge you to do so immediately for your own protection. As well, those of you who don't own or run anti-virus software may see fit to invest in one, as it can be a severe problem when the site has so many visitors.

Please note that none of the staff use their address any longer, so sending mail there will most likely result in a non-delivery. If you happen to know our new addresses, please don't share them with others in the comments. While we don't mind receiving a few e-mails, we'd rather them not be on the site, and thus get put into the same condition as our old ones. Everyone on the staff can be contacted via the feedback page, and Emerson has his own form. We've gone to this form format so that the delivery addresses are not displayed on the site for protection reasons, as well as to cut down on forwards, etc.
Posted by Damon on 08/20 |
comments [26] | send to friend | submit news

E-mail issues
Because of the new W32.Sobig.F@mm worm, my email account is filled to the brim. The account is getting so much mail, every time I delete one, there's already another one in it's place. See Damon's post below for explanation of how the virus works.

From now on, if you need to contact me, do it via
this feedback form on the feedback page. Thanks!
Posted by Emerson on 08/20 | comments [15] | send to friend | submit news

Nobel Prize for JK Rowling?
A few weeks ago, a 45-year-old Harry Potter fan by the name of James Downey started a
website petitioning the Nobel Prize Committee to award JK Rowling the Nobel Prize for Literature, and several intellectuals have voiced their opinion on the matter.
Posted by Emerson on 08/20 | comments [103] | send to friend | submit news

'The Two Towers' breaks CoS's DVD pre-sales record
BBC News:

Pre-release UK sales of The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers have broken all records at internet retailer Amazon. Over 50,000 pre-orders have been taken ahead of the video and DVD's release on Tuesday. Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets was the previous record-holder, having taken 40,000 pre-orders in April.

This doesn't surprise me, it was an awesome movie!
Posted by Emerson on 08/20 | comments [161] | send to friend | submit news

Harry Potter Conference in Australia
The Advertiser:

In January, for two spellbinding days, people from all round the world will converge on Adelaide to discuss everybody's favorite schoolboy – Harry Potter. The Flinders University Harry Potter Conference – the first of its kind to be held in Australia – has already had to change venues due to overwhelming demand. Co-organising the conference with PhD students Brooke Thomas and Joanna Coward, Ms Muller said they felt there was a lack of "academic appreciation" of the Potter phenomenon.
Posted by Emerson on 08/20 | comments [29] | send to friend | submit news

Virus alert
It's come to our attention that many of our visitors have become infected with the
W32.Sobig.F@mm worm, which sends e-mails from fake addresses to any it finds on webpages and address books you visit or have. Unfortunately, this is the source of many of the e-mails from that most of you have been receiving. There is a removal tool and instructions available for the removal of the worm, and we ask everyone who visits the site to please run it, as the amount of infected mail we're receiving is keeping us from answering your messages (At some times 1 infected message is received every 2 minutes, so our inboxes are overflowing!). Thanks, everyone!

NOTE: You will NOT get this virus from merely visiting the site. It is propagated via e-mail attachments which you shouldn't open. The problem is (and the reason we've notified you) once you're infected, the virus actively monitors all incoming e-mail and website visits. When you get an e-mail or visit a webpage, it harvests all the e-mail addresses from that page and begins sending itself from your computer to random people all over the Internet. The big problem is it uses the e-mail addresses it finds on pages to sign the "From:" field on the e-mails. Because of this, you may be sending illegally signed e-mails to unknowing others and spreading the virus. This is also NOT the virus discovered last week (that was W32.Blaster). As such, you do need to check for it, as the virus was just discovered today, August 19, 2003. We hope this clears up a few questions some of you had, and it only takes about 10 minutes to run the utility on your computer, so please run it even if you think you aren't infected.
Posted by Damon on 08/19 | comments [75] | send to friend | submit news

Harry Potter in 'Bizarro' comic
Thanks to everybody who sent in yesterday's
Bizarro comic, which subject, naturally, is Potter-themed.
Posted by Emerson on 08/19 | comments [49] | send to friend | submit news

Harry Potter on Cartoon Network show
Victoria writes in with a summary of a Harry Potter-themed episode of the Cartoon Network show "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy":

It was called "Toadblatt's School of Sorcery". The students were sorted with a Squid Hat which also sang a song like the Sorting Hat. There were two houses that really hated each other which were Gunderstank and Weaselthorpe. Weaselthorpe wanted to win the House Cup because Gunderstank had always won because Dean Toadblatt always favored Gunderstank and hated Weaselthorpe (which is kind of like Snape) so he always took away ludicrous amounts of points away from Weaselthorpe and always gave a lot of points to Gunderstank. Nigel Planter was the conceited equivalent of Harry because he had a "L" scar on his head and he had the glasses and his hair was kind of like Harry's. He took all of the credit from Mandy who was the smart one, which would be Hermione. And Billy was the equivalent of Ron because he was the comic relief. Anyway, since Weaselthorpe wanted the House Cup, they sabataged Gunderstank. Mandy messed up an invisibility potion because she replaced the eye of newt with eye of needle. Then, she put a "Gunderstank brand dragon in a can" in Toadblatt's house which burned Toadblatt's favorite broom the "Cumulon 6". Lastly, Nigel Billy and Mandy switched the sign that led to Enchanted Meadows (the Dark Forest?) so that it led to the Manticore's cave. Toadblatt got burned so he took away many house points which led Weaselthorpe to win. At the end, Toadblatt overheard Nigel saying that he was the one who came up with all of the plans to sabatage Gunderstank (but it was really Mandy). They expelled him and made him fight with a one-eyed troll. I didn't really like the episode because it was such a rip off of HP, but it was the number one cartoon on Cartoon Network.
Posted by Emerson on 08/19 |
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Show me the money
The August issue of
People has a few numbers on what Dan, Emma and Rupert are making by appearing in the movies:

Daniel Radcliffe is said to have received $3.2 million for 'Azkaban', up from the $320,000 combined for the first two films. Emma Watson and Rupert Grint reportedly were paid $125,000 per movie. All three are currently negotiating to appear in the fourth movie.

Thanks, TJ, for sending this in.
Posted by Emerson on 08/18 | comments [167] | send to friend | submit news

Harry gets another bashing
Craig Stern of the
Daily Trojan offers his views on the Harry Potter craze:

I don't consider myself a snob or a cultural elitist. I think pop cultural phenomena are perfectly fine, generally speaking, but this Harry Potter thing is really getting out of hand. But a line has to be drawn. Call yourself postmodern. Call yourself an enthusiast. Call yourself whatever you like, but when you run around spouting Harry Potter terminology and comparing everything you see to Harry Potter, there is only one word that really describes you: "lame."
Posted by Jamie on 08/18 | comments [647] | send to friend | submit news

A Harry Potter Diet Plan
Jenny McCartney of
The Telegraph writes in her column what she thinks JKR needs to do to reclaim the throne at the top of the betseller lists: she must launch the Harry Potter Diet Book, a collection of magical recipes to make unwanted flab vanish.
Posted by Emerson on 08/17 | comments [97] | send to friend | submit news

JKR in Biography Magazine
Thanks, Andrew, for writing in to inform us that JK Rowling appears in the September issue of
Biography Magazine. The issue also has an article on Potter locations.
Posted by Emerson on 08/17 | comments [25] | send to friend | submit news

VisitScotland seek ways to use Harry Potter’s magic
Sunday Herald:

SCOTLAND’S tourism chiefs are in talks with film giant Warner Bros to investigate how Harry Potter might help boost visitor numbers in the Highlands. The boy wizard, born in a cafe in Edinburgh where his first adventures were fleshed out by author JK Rowling, has maintained his connection with Scotland through blockbuster movies filmed in Lochaber, Glenfinnan and Glencoe.
Posted by Jamie on 08/17 | comments [21] | send to friend | submit news

Mrs. Weasley voted top movie mother
Daily Record reports that Molly Weasley, played by Julie Walters, was the runner-up in the best movie mums chart. First place went to Erin Brockovich, played by Julia Roberts.
Posted by Jamie on 08/16 | comments [85] | send to friend | submit news

More set reports from Virginia Waters
iHP has posted a few new set reports from filming of the third movie at Virginia Waters. The person who submitted the reports went in to great detail, much to our appreciation.
Posted by Emerson on 08/15 | comments [53] | send to friend | submit news

MuggleNet Mail system upgraded
A few hours ago, we completed some upgrades on our MuggleNet Mail system. The new version should be much more reliable and faster, but unfortunately, all users need to re-register as we could not transfer the records. If you need to get into your old account to forward some saved e-mails to your new one, you can do so
here. Please let us know via the feedback form if you have any troubles registering on the new site.

Also, we've fixed the problems we were having with the old "Submit News" e-mail address, so if you send any news to that address we can assure you it will be read!
Posted by Damon on 08/15 | comments [8] | send to friend | submit news

Happy Birthday Jim Dale!
Happy Birthday to Jim Dale, the voice of the HP audio books, who celebrates his 68th year on the planet today!
Posted by
Jamie on 08/15 | comments [54] | send to friend | submit news

"Harry Potter" a type of poker hand
Reader Kelly wrote in with an interesting Harry Potter sighting:

My husband is setting up a poker tournament, and was online looking for some rules and what-not. He found out that there is a hand in poker called the "Harry Potter", and it's when you get a Jack and a King. I have no idea why they call it that, and then I did some surfing and found a
site that referenced this hand, and they call it "Harry Potter - People needing people", and I still don't get it!

That makes two of us. Anybody have any ideas?

Edit: A few of our visitors posting on the comments board spotted that if you take the first letter of Jack and King, you get JK, as in JK Rowling. And the "People needing people" name means that a Jack and a King are useless without another Jack or a King.
Posted by Emerson on 08/14 | comments [73] | send to friend | submit news

Fundraiser in celebration of Tom Felton's birthday
In celebration of Tom Felton's 16th birthday, is sponsoring a fundraiser for
The Shooting Star Trust, which raises money for hospices that serve children not expected to live beyond early adulthood. Information on how to donate can be found here.
Posted by Emerson on 08/14 | comments [74] | send to friend | submit news

MuggleNet is an unofficial fan site. We did not create Harry Potter or any of the characters from the Harry Potter series. The staff has a mortal fear of lawyers - the site isn't here to infringe upon any copyrights or break any laws, it's here to be a resource for Harry Potter fans. If you have a problem with something you saw on the site, don't hesitate to contact us via our feedback form. Additional bandwidth provided by MuggleNet's layout was designed and created by Navy.

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Will the character that died in Book 5 return in future books?

Yes, we'll see them very soon!
No, they're gone forever

Current results
Previous Polls

-Added Gryffindor Tower #14 and The Pensieve #5

-Re-Designed the Caption Contest


-Added a VERY interesting Death Clue
Password: e-mail service is currently being upgraded. All users who were previously registered need to sign up again. If you need to access your old account, it is available here. All new sign-up accounts should receive e-mail, but as the system is still being worked on, please note that the mail pages' layouts may change over the next few days to better reflect the site. We hope this new service is both more reliable and faster and apologize for any inconveniences.
We tried to shut him in a pyramid, but Mum spotted us.

George Weasley
Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapter 4, Page 63
Movie 3 June 4, 2004