Paradise Estate before it went under construction.

Paradise Estate" is a fictional story with fictional characters.  The stories were written by  No one should use these stories as their own.  Please do not pass out these stories to anyone or any mailing lists.  If you want to, please ask my permission and do not take the credit for them.

WARNING: This show is not intended for anyone under the age 13. If you do not like the idea of ponies acting more like humans then do not read this. If you think that the ponies needed this change, then read on. For any little kids who might wander onto this page and still play with them, do not get any ideas from my soap. Play with them just the way you have been. And if you still play with them you are probably too young, and shouldn't even be reading this. So please don't.  This is for mature audiences only.  "Paradise Estate" puts the little ponies in adult situations.  And they do adult things.  Again, DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU ARE UNDER 13!!!!  If you do, and you get some ideas and you get into trouble by your parents, than it is not my fault.  I warned you!!!!

"Paradise Estate"

Episode #35

"The Rescue"

     It was late at night.  Dark Sky stood there, with the door open, staring at three angry Big Brothers.  Buttons saw Dark Sky and fainted.  "Buttons!" screamed Slugger.  All three Big Brothers turned towards her.  Dark Sky ran back up the stairs and into a bed room.  Tex and Salty ran up after him.  The Dark Sky had a terrace and he walked out onto it and held Baby Ribbons's body out over the railing.

     "Back off or I drop her!" commanded Dark Sky.

     "You wouldn't dare," said Tex.

     "Try me!  Now, back off!"  Tex and Salty slowly began to walk away.  Dark Sky watched and Baby Ribbon was trying to hear what Galaxy was saying.  She, Fizzy, Mimic, and Gusty were standing under the terrace.

     "Wink out!"  said Galaxy.  Baby Ribbon dismally shook her head.  She could wink out, but always had trouble winking back in.

     "Don't be afraid," said Fizzy.  "You can do it."

     "You have to do it.  You wanna be safe, don't you?" asked Gusty.  They all started to encourage her.

     "Her goes," said Baby Ribbon.  She closed her eyes and concentrated.  Then, she disappeared.

     "Nooo!" screamed Dark Sky as Baby Ribbon magically left his hand.

     She winked back in completely by the other ponies and they cheered her.  "I did it!" exclaimed Baby Ribbon.  They quickly took Baby Ribbon into the main house for safety.  Tex and Salty saw the baby wink out and they ran towards Dark Sky from the doorway.  Dark Sky quickly jumped over the terrace and landed in some bushes.  Tex and Salty watched him run off.  Slugger came rolling underneath the terrace with Ice Crystal, Quarterback, Sunburst, Fireball, and Chief.  

     "He went that way!" yelled Salty pointing in the direction Dark Sky went.  Quarterback and the others started to run after Dark Sky.  "We better hurry up and get down there."  Tex and Salty ran down the stairs and outside.  They met up with Barnacle and ran after Dark Sky.

COMMERCIAL:  If you haven't already, please read the new updated introduction.

     Back at the cabin, Ribbon was there alone and tied to a chair.  Her mouth was gagged, her front hooves tied behind her, and her back hooves tied together.  She was sitting there, relentlessly trying to loosen the rope on her front hooves.  She was almost there.  She looked out of the window and in the distance saw Dark Sky.  She worked harder and finally the ropes loosened and her front hooves were free.  She ripped the gag out of her mouth and undid her other ropes.  She got up and ran to the door.  She opened it and Dark Sky was closer.  She ran in the opposite direction and he ran after her.  

     Ribbon was surrounded by trees and cries from wild animals.  Dark Sky was closing in on her and the ponies were closing in on him.  Dark Sky tackled Ribbon and then dragged her into some bushes.  The Big Brothers and Mountain Boy Ponies decided to split up when they lost sight of Dark Sky.  Once they passed by, Dark Sky started to drag Ribbon back to the cabin.  When they neared the cabin, Ribbon kicked Dark Sky in the knee cap.  He screamed and the other male ponies heard it.  They quickly ran back to the cabin to try to rescue Ribbon.  Dark Sky was dragging Ribbon to his car that he had hidden, but, before he could put her in the car Tex, Slugger, Ice Crystal and the others caught up to him.

     "Give up!" said Slugger.  "You lost."

     "Not yet," said Dark Sky.  He threw Ribbon at them and ran off.  Slugger quickly rolled the wheels of his wheelchair and went after Dark Sky.  Slugger raced to catch up to Dark Sky.  Dark Sky seemed to be getting farther and farther away.  Slugger began to build up momentum and used all his might to go faster.  They were now side by side.  Slugger knew he couldn't do anything from his chair, so, he bravely lifted his body using his arms and fly out of his chair and on top of Dark Sky.  When they fell to the ground Dark Sky hit his head on a rock and was knocked out.  Tex and the others helped Slugger back into his chair and picked up Dark Sky, who had regained consciousness.  Badge and several other police cars pulled up and surrounded them.  The officers took Dark Sky and put him in the back of a squad car.  Buttons came with Badge and ran to her sister.  They embraced as the other So-Softs came and hugged Ribbon too.

COMMERCIAL:  Do you wanna know when "Paradise Estate" is updated?  If you want to know, then email me at and put "PE" mailing list in the subject and subscribe and any other comments in the body.  Then you will always know when "PE" is updated and any other things I decide to write about "PE".

     The next morning, 4-Speed was being released from the hospital and Sherbert went to pick him up.

     "Hey, 4-Speed.  How are you feeling?" asked Sherbert.

     "Good," responded 4-Speed.

     "Did you hear the good news?"

     "About Ribbon?  Yeah, I just wish  I could've been there."

     She smiled at him, "Don't worry.  So, do you remember anything from the past year and a half?"

     "No."  He got up and went to where she was standing.  "I know you said we broke up a long time ago, but I still love you, Sherbert."  He kissed her.  She pushed him away.

     "Stop!  We can't do this."  She turned to leave, but two ponies were standing in her way.

      They announced themselves as detectives from the Dream Valley Police Department and they wanted to take 4-Speed in for questioning about the night of the accident.  "But 4-Speed doesn't remember the past year and a half, detectives," said Sherbert.

     "Well, 4-Speed, your blood alcohol level was three times the legal limit that night,  that's a fact, so, you might wanna get yourself a good attorney," said one of the detectives.

     Sherbert took 4-Speed over to Paradise and Wind Whistler:  Attorney's at Law later that day.  Paradise wasn't there, but Wind Whistler was.

     "4-Speed, what are you doing here?  Leave before Paradise comes back," said Wind Whistler.

     "We need your help," Sherbert said.

     "Please!" begged 4-Speed.  "I need a lawyer.  I don't wanna go to jail!"

     "Jail?  Why?" asked Wind Whistler.

     "Some detectives from Dream Valley PD came by my hospital room today.  They wanted me to answer some questions.  I can't remember the past year and they said that my BAL was three times the legal limit," explained 4-Speed.

     "Don't worry, 4-Speed.  They won't throw you in jail," said Wind Whistler.  

     "Will you help me?"  He pleaded.

     "Paradise then made her presence know, "Do it," she said.  "Help him, Wind Whistler."

     "Are you sure?"

     "Yes, I'm sure.  We can't run down someone who needs help.  Even if he is a cheating bastard."

     "Look, Paradise, I don't remember what happened between us, but I'm really sorry."

     "Save it!  Go home.  We'll deal with the police."

     "All right.  Thank you, Paradise.  I mean that," said 4-Speed and smiled at Paradise.  Paradise didn't return the smile so he and Sherbert left and went home.

     They arrived home to find everyone rejoicing in Ribbon's return.  4-Speed hugged Ribbon.  "Welcome back," he said.

     "You too.  I'm glad you're all right," said Ribbon.

     "Back at you.  I'm sure what you went through was much worse."

COMMERCIAL:  Come check out my links page to other pony web sites.

     That night the little ponies decided to go out and have some fun.  It was something they all needed.  They went to a new club called The Pony Lounge.  It was an upscale place that played mellow music.  They were all seated and filled up half of the place.  Fizzy, Chief, Galaxy, and Surprise took up a booth.

     "So, how did your date with Whirly Twirly go last night?  Who went with his brother?"  inquired Fizzy.

     "Surprise came, and we had so much fun.  We came here, as a matter of fact and they're gonna meet us here tonight," answered Galaxy excitedly.

     "Fizzy, they are so cute!  They are so sweet," added Surprise.

     "Where does that leave you and Steamer?" asked Chief.

     "I don't know.  Right now he's decided that he has to take care of Lickety-Split."

     Banana Surprise and Peppermint Crunch were at the bar, getting a drink when two stallions came up to them.  One introduced himself as Countdown.  He was pink with dark blue hair and had a rocket ship symbol.  The other was Leaper.  He was green with yellow hair and had a frog symbol.  The ponies bought the women their drinks and then danced.

     Ribbon, Cupcake, Lofty, and Gusty were sitting at a table and Racer and three other male ponies came up to the table.

     "Hi, Lofty," said Racer.

     "Racer, hi.  What are you doing here?"

     "I just came out with my brothers," he said, referring to the guys next to him.  "What about you?"

     "I just came out with my sisters and friends and in-laws to celebrate my sister's return.  Long story," she laughed.  Then Lofty introduced her sisters to Racer and his brothers and Racer in turn introduced his brothers.  First, there was Drummer, who was dark blue with coral hair and a drum sybol.  Second, was Waddles, who was magenta with green hair and a penguin symbol.  Last there was Paws.  He was dark green with dark pink hair and a scotty dog symbol.  Racer asked Lofty to dance and they went to the dance floor.  Drummer asked Ribbon to dance, Waddles asked Gusty, and Paws asked Cupcake.  The girls all said yes and went off with their partners to the dance floor.

COMMERCIAL:  If you have anything you want to sell please check out my want list.

     Steamer was sitting at a table with Lickety-Split, Quarterback, and Truly.  Quarterback and Truly went to dance.  Steamer watched as Whirly Twirly and Ribbs went to dance with Galaxy and Surprise.  His heartached as he watched the pony he loved dance and have fun with someone other than him.  He got angry and walked over to them.  He asked politely to cut in.

     "Sorry, man, no," said Whirly Twirly.

     "I said let me cut in," said Steamer apparently angry.

     Whirly Twirly stopped dancing and faced Steamer.  "And I said no!"

     Steamer got really upset and pushed Whirly Twirly away and moved towards Galaxy.  Whirly Twirly came back and pushed Steamer away.  Everyone on the dance floor stopped and watched what was going on.  Steamer came back at Whirly Twirly and punched him square in the jaw, sending him to the floor.  Galaxy ran to him.

     "Steamer, what't the matter with you?" yelled Galaxy.

     "I just wanted to dance with you," he said dejectedly.

     "Well, you didn't have to hit him!"

     Then the manager of the place came and told Steamer to leave.  He and Lickety-Split went home and she was apparently angry.

COMMERCIAL:  Visit the ARCHIVES page for any episodes that you missed or would just like to read over.

     It's the next week.  Mimic, Ice Crystal, Crunch Berry, Fireball, Sherbert, 4-Speed, Quackers, and Coco Berry were waiting for their limo to take them to the airport.  Buenos Aires was an eight hour flight.  4-Speed was also waiting for Wind Whistler to find out what was gonna happen to him.  Sherbert, 4-Speed, Quackers, and Coco Berry all decided to go too because they either needed a vacation or need to get away from ponies in Dream Valley.

     Wind Whistler came into the house and walked up to 4-Speed.  "I have good news and bad news." she announced.

     "Okay.  Well, just give it to me."

     "Well, the good news is that you're not going to jail.  The bad news is that you have to pay a $20,000 fine, do 300 hours of community service, you'll be on probation, and you won't have your liscense for two years."

     "You know, I can live with the community service, the probation, and not having my liscense, but where am I gonna get $20,000 from?"  4-Speed asked.

     "I'll loan you the money," announced Sherbert.  "In fact, I'll write a check right now so we can get this over with and get to South America."  Sherbert pulled out her check book, walked over to a table, and wrote the check.  "Anything  else?"

     "Yes, he needs to sign these," she reported and pulled out the papers from her attache case and handed them to 4-Speed."  The limo arrived at the mansion and it honked its horn.  4-Speed quickly signed the papers, handed them to Wind Whistler, and ran out the door.  "Oh, and I arranged for you to start the community service after the new year," she shouted after them.

     They were all in the limo.  "We are gonna have so much fun," imagined Coco Berry. 

COMMERCIAL:  Check out my Paradise Estate Floor Plan.  It has a list of who sleeps in what room!!

     Wind Whistler also left the house to meet Badge for lunch.  She arrived at Cafe de Chateau and sat down at a booth that Badge was already seated at.  Cafe de Chateau was a little restaurant in an old castle that was renovated into a mall.

     "Hey, Badge," she said as she sat down.

     "Hey, honey."  He leaned over the little table and kissed her.

     "So, what's going on with the Dark Sky case?" asked Wind Whistler.

     "He's gonna be prosecuted.  With Ribbon's testimony and Tex's, Salty's, Slugger's and the others, it should be an easy guilty verdict."

     "He wants to go to trial?"

     "Yes, but he's acting weird.  He keeps talking about bringing Ribbon down with him."

     Then Wind Whistler's cellular phone rang.  "Hello?" she answered.  "Ace, hi, what's up?  Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down.  Look, we're gonna do fine in court tomorrow.  We're gonna show our proof that the guy lied about getting help and that if placed in his custody, the child is no safe...Okay, then I'll see you in court tomorrow.  Bye."

     "Who was that?" asked Badge.

     "That was a client.  He was just worried about tomorrow," she replied.

     "Oh, well, I gotta get back to work.  I'll see you tonight?"

     "Yes, I'm gonna prepare a very romantic dinner."

     "Can't wait," he said, gave her a kiss, and left.

     Meanwhile, at Dream Valley International Airport, the ponies were sitting in the lounge and a someone came up to them and said that the Dream Valley Sweets, Inc jet was ready and waiting.    They all got up, got their stuff and headed to the gate.  Then Sweet Stuff came running up to the gate yelling for 4-Speed to wait.  He stopped and turned around.  She caught up and was all out of breathe, "Please, 4-Speed, don't go!  I know you don't remember the love we shared, but I do and I still love you!"

Hey, everyone, I decided to let the awards continue for a while longer.  I want to make it more than just "the winners are:" and then just have a list of who won.  So, PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  "Paradise Estate"  Emmy Awards.  



     Email me with any questions or comments!!