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Wolf Lovers

Gender: Brute Rank: Alpha Male Age: 2 1/2 Mate: None Pups: None Pelt: He is a very handsome,sleek black wolf,with deep emerald orbs. Personality: Due to his past he is a very harsh and strict Alpha with alot of rules under his pack.No one would dare disobey Fang for he could rip them to shreds if they even thought about denying him.But deep within him he can be very kind and friendly to fae's and someday wishes to have a m8.But it will not be easy because he is very hard-to-get. History: Fang has had a very bad past.Since he is very mysterious he rarely speaks of it. When other wolves ask him he will probably get mad and throw a temper, because they're reminding him of his heart-broken trecherous past that he wishes to just forget.
Gender: Vixen Rank: Age: 2 Mate: None Pups: None Pelt: her pelt is jet-black except for a white tipped tail and a blue star on her forehead Personality: she is sweet and kind and will help any troubled wolf no matter what, even if she knows what the consequences might be History: She doesn't really remember her past... It always has been a blurr for her
Gender: Fae Parents: Cobra and Rellik(Current condition is unknown) Siblings: Tundra(Brute) and Ace(Brute) Age: Adult (3 Years) Mate/Pups: None,but does desire love and a family to call her own.. Optics: Wide,alert pupils with a rusty brown rim Pelt: A mix of black,white,and brown.Her colored pelt seems to be arranged in layers on her elegant figure. Personality: Eve loves to play hard to get.She wants a brute who really desires her,not a brute that thinks that hes all that and goes to other faes.Hopefully,she will find her perfect mate...Eve is on the hard to get,rough,agile type of wolf but may be elegant and graceful but will only use these traits to impress a brute.
Gender: Fae Parents: Rekia And Tip Siblings: nizta(fea) and tona(Brute) Age: Adult (2 1/2Years) Mate/Pups: None,but does desire love and a family to call her own.. Optics: Wide,alert pupils one eye is blue the other yellow the yellow eye has a scare around it. Pelt: black with white tips she is sleek and built for speed and endurance Personality: Fall is kind harted and just like her siblings have she want a family to call her own. she loves pups but dosent like to be bitin by them she also is sort of shy around males because she thinks they think she is a fool. She secretly loves the alpha of the pack knowning there is no alpha fea she wants to be with him forever.

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