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Not Just A Fantasy

A tremor from deep within rattled through her body as he leaned over her shoulder to point out the figures he was talking
about; Her senses became fully alive as she inhaled his masculine scent, felt the heat of his body warm hers, saw the
sensitivity in those deep blue eyes and she could almost taste the power and control that seemed to exude from every pore
in his body. Jessi was struggling to maintain her composure; Her body tingled and her arousal deepened, she could feel
a slight moisture forming between her legs. "Oh my god, Stop it!" she said to herself. Derek was a client of the corporate
law firm that employed Jessi Feeling the heat of embarassment creeping up the back of her neck, Jessi hoped that Derek
was unaware of the effect he was having on her. With her secretary being gone for the day, after being asked to hold all
her calls, she knew there was no hope of a distraction to perhaps ease some of this tension she was feeling.

Reaching for her highlighter to note the changes to be made on her latest report, Jessi's body pressed deeper into Derek's,
she felt as if she could just melt into him. Looking up at him she said "Excuse me please", "I'm sorry" he said leaning more
into her with a coy grin. Jessi's body betrayed her with an involuntary shiver and her face turning red. Derek smiled to
himself he knew she must be struggling hard to concentrate on their meeting, but he couldn't help but wonder where this
would take him if he persued it. Upon their first meeting two months ago, there was an instant attraction between them;
But Jessi being the person she was, she tried to maintain her distance and keep things on a purely professional level.

Derek was further enticed by the soft, sweet fragrance tantalizing his nose, he was unsure if it was Jessi's shampoo or the
delicate scent of her perfume. Although enjoying himself in playfully teasing Jessi; Derek couldn't help but fill his senses
with her presence and before long he could feel his own arousal deepen. Derek couldn't stop himself before he reached
out and brushed a loose strand of hair from Jessi's face, his fingertips gently brushing against her soft, milky skin. Jessi
turned and looked up at Derek with shy eyes, unable to maintain eye contact with his deep penetrating stare she quickly
lowered her gaze to the highlighter she held in her hand. That was all it took for Derek to trace his fingers down her
cheek, along her jaw and stopping under her chin. Using his index finger he slowly lifted her chin until their eyes once
again met, Derek heard a slight gasp escape from her full lips. Thinking to himself it's now or never, he lowered his
mouth to hers; gently brushing his lips against hers, testing their softness and her response. Jessi inhaled slowly and deeply
but did not pull back.

Using both hands Derek slid his fingers along her cheeks, letting his thumbs stroke their smoothness, craddling her face as
he guided her to stand. Derek pressed his mouth firmly to hers, kissing her deeply and allowing his tongue to slip into her
mouth tasting her sweetness for the first time. Jessi couldn't believe she was letting this happen, her body responded
before she could make it stop and truth be known she didn't really want it to stop. Just as Jessi was starting to relax a
little, Derek slid one of his hands behind her neck, entwining his fingers through her soft curls. Derek relunctantly pulled
his mouth away from the warm wet haven he longed to taste, at the same time pulling back gently on Jessi by his fist full
of curls. Looking deeply into her soft blue eyes he asked "Would you like me to stop?" her reply was a simple "No Sir".
Derek knew then that he was right all along about her submissive side, but if not watched for closely could be easily
overlooked. Lowering his mouth yet once again he kissed her softly yet with no less intensity then he had before.

Derek's hands found the buttons on Jessi's blouse and he began to pop them open one by one, exposing to him her white
lace bra and her ample but supple breasts. Deepening his kiss he slid her shirt over her shoulders, down over her arms,
catching it before it fell over her delicate wrists; using it to hold her arms behind her back forcing her chest to jut out
giving him a full view of her beauty. Before Jessi even realized what he was doing her hands were bound behind her
using her own blouse and before she could protest Derek had hungrily kissed his way down her neck and began to fondle
and kiss her tender 36C's through her bra. Jessi's nipples already being hard almost poked right through the lace now
at his soft but forceful touch. A slight moan escaped from Jessi's lips as Derek pinched her nipples through the lacey
fabric. With nimble fingers he undid the front clasp, freeing her round firm mounds from their captor. Cupping his strong
hands around her breasts he ran his thumbs back and forth across her already taut nipples, then using his thumbs and index
fingers he pinched them hard and rolled them between his fingers. Jessi inhaled through clenched teeth at the change in
pressure being applied to her already sensitive nipples, but revelled in the pleasureable pain as the moisture between her
legs increased. Stepping back slightly Derek took along look at his handy work, "So beautiful" he said, Jessi's eyes
downcast to the floor, Derek lifted her chin and said "Tell Me little one, Tell Me it was I and I alone that did this to you,
That it was I who made those perfect nipples so hard and inviting." Before Jessi could respond Derek slid a hand up
her short skirt, straight up between her thighs, grinning like a cheshire cat when he discovered she was wearing no panties
and her thighs were damp from her heightened excitement. Slowly running a finger along her lips, letting it slowly dip
between them, stopping just short of her clit he said "And this!, Tell Me little one did I do this as well?" her reply was
"Yes Sir". Derek's look turned to a scolding one as he said "Yes Sir what!?". Jessi bit her lower lip, unsure if she could
bring herself to speak the words he wanted to hear. Derek once again slipped his hand between her legs, allowing his
middle finger to slip inside Jessi's creamy wet spot, only up to the first knuckle and holding it there. Using his index finger
and thumb he began to pinch her lips, gently rolling them around his inserted finger. Looking down at Jessi he asked his
question again "Yes Sir what!!?". Jessi moaned wishing he would slide his finger in deeper, she looked up at him with a
longing in her eyes as she purred "Yes Sir it is for You and only You that my nipples are so hard and inviting and yes Sir
it is You that made me so wet and hot". Trying to move her hips so he would penetrate her more, Derek grinned and said
"Good girl, those are the words I wanted to hear" he withdrew his hand and Jessi whined at the loss of his touch.

Walking around behind her as he lossened his tie he said "It's okay My pet, the night is young and W/we have lots of time,
I want this moment to last". Derek now stepped in close behind Jessi, his excitement evident as he brushed against her
bound hands. Wrapping his arms around her he softly kissed her neck as he used his silk tie with both hands to lightly
tease her erect nipples, brushing back and forth he started to raise his tie up over her lucious tits, rubbing it back and
forth over her chest then softly over her throat, up over her chin, only to land in it's final resting place. Covering her eyes
he secured his tie around her head making sure her sight was completely removed.

Jessi's breathe caught in her throat, unsure of what to expect as she had never allowed herself to explore this side of her
sexuality. Although she had always been curious and done extensive reading on this lifestyle it has always remained just
a fantasy. Jessi knew without a doubt she was a submissive and although nervous, inside, she was actually thrilled at
finally getting to explore this hidden side of herself.

Jessi was brought back to the reality of the situation by the sound of Derek's voice as he leaned in and whispered in her
ear "you look positively radiant My pet". Derek's warm breathe sent a slight shiver down Jessi's spine "thank You Sir"
she softly replied. Slowly kissing her neck, working his way up to nibble on her ear; his hands reached down and
unzipped her skirt. Derek slipped his hands in either side of her skirt and pushed it down over her hips and let it fall to the
floor around her feet. Aside from her garter, stockings and heels, Jessi stood completely exposed, feeling extremely
vulnerable and yet totally excited. Derek walked slowly around Jessi, drinking the sight of her in, not missing a single
detail. Stopping in front of her, he laid his hand palm side down on her flat tummy letting it wander down over her sweet
shaven pussy as it glistened with anticipation of events yet to come. A low deep moan escaped them both as Derek
spread his fingers apart opening her wide for a full view, Jessi felt a slight breeze rush between her legs and the sight of
her clit all swollen and shiny made Derek rock hard. Placing a finger on either side of her clit, slowly running them down
the full length of her, dipping in her juices as the met. Derek pushed his fingers in a little deeper coating the tips with
Jessi's creamy nectar. Leaning down he kissed her hard, his tongue teasing hers, Derek allowed her to suck on his
tongue before pulling it away and replacing this tongue with his fingertips coated with Jessi's excitement; he watched as
she slowly circled her tongue around each tip, then down the length of each finger before taking them into her mouth,
sliding them in and out like she was sucking on his hard cock, she wrapped her lips tighter around them taking his two
fingers all the way into her mouth. Derek was momentarily mesmorized by the sight of her. He reached out with his
other hand grabbing her nipple, pulling it hard towards him, twisting it as he did so. Jessi moaned louder as she felt the
sharp pain from her breast, it ran a straight line down to her already dripping pussy. Derek worked her other nipple in
the same fashion continuing to listen to her moans and watch his fingers sliding in and out of her hot little mouth.

Derek couldn't wait any longer, taking his fingers out of her mouth he guided her to her knees, Jessi heard Derek unzip
his pants and licked her lips in anticipation of what she hoped would happen next. Standing in front of Jessi, Derek took
his hard cock in his hand and traced it slowly around her lips, she opened her mouth and flicked her tongue across the
very tip "mmmm may i please have the pleasure of feeling You inside my mouth Sir?" she asked, "Yes! My pet you may"
he answered. Jessi wrapped her soft lips around the head of his manhood, tracing her tongue all the way around
moaning as she tasted the saltyness of his precum which was as sweet as honey to her. Wanting to savour every
moment of this she took him slowly, inch by inch into her mouth, sliding him back out periodically to suck and gently
scrape her teeth over the head of his sweet dick. Derek moaned softly at first until in one swift movement Jessi took him
all the way into her mouth; His nuts resting on her chin she held him there as the head pushed past the back of her throat.
"Oh god YES!" he called out as he wrapped his fingers in her hair, hearing his pleasure and feeling him throb against
her tongue Jessi moved closer to reaching her own climax. Moaning loudly she began to stroke him with her mouth
wrapping her lips tighter around him, his fingers tightened in her hair as he shoved his cock faster in and out of her mouth
telling her "Don't you dare cum yet little one, not until I say you can". Derek increased his speed and rythmically fucked
her sweet mouth "Oh fuck, suck me harder My pet" he said in a loud voice "mmm oh yes My sweet little cocksucker, that
feels so good". Jessi listened to his commands and complied but her orgasim was close and she wasn't sure if she could
hold it much longer. Just as that thought passed through her mind, Derek held tight to her head and in a very loud voice
said "Take it My sweet little slut, drink it all down" with that the first shot of his hot creamy cum hit the back of her throat,
Jessi moaned louder swallowing jet after jet of his cum. Jessi licked her lips with her cum coated tongue and let it dry
so she could savour the taste of him as she recalled her experiences later when she was alone. Derek stroked her cheek
softly "Such a beautiful little slut you are and now My pet comes your reward". Derek helped Jessi to stand and led her
to her desk where he sat her on the edge, pulling up her chair he sat down sliding the chair and himself up in front of her.

Running his hands up her thighs he spread her legs, lifting them one by one trailing his fingers down to remove her heels
and placing each leg on either side of him so that her tiny feet rested one on each arm of the chair, thus exposing her
saturated pussy to him. Jessi took a long deep breathe as the cold air hit her hot wet twat, exhaling with a deep moan.
Derek then slid his hand up her inner thighs, moving the chair in closer as he did so. When he reached the top of her thighs
he slid his hands up over the joints in her legs letting his thumbs spread her swollen lips, exposing her clit. Derek moved
his hands up over her hips and wrapped his arms around her waist and released her hands from their binds. Massaging her
arms to ease any cramping he said "The blindfold stays on precious, understand?" "Yes Sir i understand" "Good girl"
he said. Derek then wrapped his strong but firm hands around her breasts, kneading them and kissing them, he
squeezed them together and slid his tongue between them as he listened to her moan from his touch, trailing his tongue
over her right tit he slowly circled her hard nipple. Wrapping his mouth around it he gently took her nipple between his
teeth and flicked it with his tongue, while pinching her other one and rolling it between his fingers. Jessi's breathe ragged
as she was caught in that place where pain turned to pleasure. Derek slowly licked down between her tits , onto her
tummy and over her pelvis; Using his hand he gently guided her to lay back on her desk. Slipping his hands under her
thighs he lifted her legs onto his shoulders, wrapping his arms around her legs he lowered his mouth to her inner thighs.
Derek began to trace small circles up her thigh and gently biting it, when he reached the top he skimmed his tongue across
her already wet lips before moving onto the the other thigh. Jessi's moans increased and the scent of her nectar was
driving Derek wild. Unable to resist any longer Derek licked Jessi's outer lips sucking them into his mouth one by one,
he slid his tongue between them just below her clit and slid down her pussy until his tongue disappeared inside her, tasting
her for the first time. Jessi's breathing was becoming rapid and she raised her hips to meet his mouth wanting full
penetration. "Stay still little one I want to enjoy you, savour my first taste" he said using his hands to hold her hips tight
so she couldn't move. Jessi let out a little whine and said "Yes Sir". Derek slid his tongue up the length of her pussy
stopping just below her throbbing clit, moving his tongue to the side and licking all the way around it but not touching it.
Jessi wasn't sure how much more she could take, she wanted him to suck hard on her clit, but what she wanted most was
to feel him deep inside her, she wanted Derek to fuck her hard. As if he had read her mind he slipped his hands
between her legs, using them to pull her swollen lips open, slowly he slid his tongue as deep as it would go inside her.
Slowly Derek begain to fuck her with his tongue, closer and closer Jessi came to that fine line where, when crossed,
all else cessed to exist accept for the need to feed all raw, uninhibited, passions. Derek slid his tongue out of Jessi and all
the way up her pussy, flicking her clit hard with his tongue, laying his tongue flat against her clit he pressed down hard and
wiggled it. Jessi gasped with an "Oh my god" and Derek slid two fingers into her well of desire, fucking her with his
fingers he sucked her clit hard into his mouth flicking his tongue back and forth over it. Breatheless Jessi pleaded "Please
Sir i am so close, may i cum please Sir" as her hips involuntarily raised to his mouth. Derek withdrew his hand and mouth
and replied "I told you to stay still My pet", whimpering at the loss of his touch she apologized "i am sorry Sir i didn't mean
to move", "you may cum only when I say so little one". Standing up he pulled Jessi to her feet and spun her around,
pushing slightly on her back he bent her over her desk. Standing behind her Derek ran his hands over her sweet round ass,
kneading it and spreading her cheeks apart, smiling at the pink little rosebud before him. Tracing the fingertips of his left
hand over her ass cheeks, up and down the crack of her ass. Jessi was moaning loudly, breathelessly, she swayed her
hips under his touch. Derek reached down and dipped his fingers into her slick twat, coating them with her juices, his
cock once again rock hard. Jessi couldn't handle much more and at this point she was willing to accept the consequences
for cumming without permission. Derek sensing that Jessi was about to break, took his hard cock in his other hand and
ran the head up and down her pussy, slippin it inside her tight, hot cunt; at the same time he slowly circled her ass with
one of his coated fingers. Pressing the tip of his finger against her he slid his cock a little deeper inside her, and the tip of
his finger in her ass. Jessi was fighting hard not to cum until Derek said she could, as she struggled everything except him
and this moment in time faded away to nothingness. Derek slid his dick all the way inside her and his finger all the way
into her ass holding both there, enjoying the feeling of her tight pussy wrapped around his cock and letting her ass relax
around his finger. Unable to control himself any longer Derek started to slowly fuck both of Jessi's holes simultaniously,
Jessi almost screamed as he started to pump her faster and faster, this only made Derek pound her harder, when his balls
tightened and he was close to cumming again, in a raspy but strong voice he said "Say it little one, tell Me the words I
want to hear", Jessi moaned loudly and Derek pounded her harder, "Say It!" he said as his other hand came down
stinging her ass, Jessi gasped but managed to softly speak the words he wanted the hear "Please Sir may i cum for You?".
Fucking her harder still he swatted her other ass cheek demeanding "Louder My pet". Almost screaming Jessi said
"Please Sir may i cum for You!!". Seeing his crimson hand prints on her ass, fucking her tight ass and cunt hard, and
hearing her submission to his will pushed him to the edge and he started to cum deep inside of her. "NOW My sweet
slut, cum for Me NOW!" he ordered and on command Jessi let go, wave after wave of pleasure washed over her,
she didn't think it would ever stop, her legs felt weak beneathe her. Derek felt her going limp under him, he wrapped his
arms around her and held her close to him. Sitting down in her chair he placed her on his lap pulling her into him
"My sweet little pet I am proud of you" he said " you were magnificant". Looking up at him she smiled and cuddled in
close "thankYou Sir" was all she could say and with that she closed her eyes feeling quite content to be exactly where
she was.



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