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style type="text/css"> .stMenuCell1 {background-color: red; color: white; font-family: times new roman; font-size: 10pt; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; text-decoration: none; border-style: double; border-color: black; cursor: arrow;}






SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> // ************************************************************ // First, some variables you can change as you like it // ************************************************************ // Number of menus menuMax=2 menus=new Array(menuMax) // Declare the menus with the number of rows and columns menus[1]=new Menu(1, 6) // ************************************************************ // Second, specify the menu items // ************************************************************ // Define the menu items as follows: // ("text to display", "url or mailto", "frame name", "backgroundcolor", "text-color") // See the jstextmenu.txt for more info on this variables with (menus[1]) { items[1]=new Item("Photos", "", "top", "red", "white") items[2]=new Item("Blogs", "", "frame_name2", "red", "white") items[3]=new Item("News", "", "frame_name3", "red", "white") items[4]=new Item("Links", "", "new_window", "red", "white") items[5]=new Item("Email!", " Text Menu&", "", "red", "white") items[6]=new Item("Interests", "", "", "red", "white") } // ************************************************************ // The functions to get things going // ************************************************************ // Define a menu object function Menu(rowsMax, columnsMax) { this.rowsMax=rowsMax this.columnsMax=columnsMax this.items=new Array(rowsMax * columnsMax) } // Define a menu item function Item(text, url, frame, backgroundColor, color) { this.text=text this.url=url this.frame=frame this.backgroundColor = backgroundColor this.color = color } // Returns a integer number between 1 and max that differs from the old one function getNewRandomInteger(oldnumber, max) { var n = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - 1) + 1) if (n >= oldnumber) n++ return n } // Returns a integer number between 1 and max function getRandomInteger(max) { var n = Math.floor(Math.random() * max + 1) return n } // Jump to the specified url in the specified frame function GotoUrl(url, frame) { if (frame != "") { var s = eval("window." + frame) if (s != null) s.document.location.href = url else, frame, "") } else window.location.href = url } function ItemClick(thisItem) { var obj = eval(menus[thisItem.menuNo].items[thisItem.cellNo]) GotoUrl(obj.url, obj.frame) } function ItemMouseOver(thisItem) { var cellObj = eval(menus[thisItem.menuNo].items[thisItem.cellNo]) var styleObj = eval('thisItem' + '.style') window.status = cellObj.url styleObj.color = cellObj.backgroundColor styleObj.backgroundColor = cellObj.color } function ItemMouseOut(thisItem) { var cellObj = eval(menus[thisItem.menuNo].items[thisItem.cellNo]) var styleObj = eval('thisItem' + '.style') window.status = "" styleObj.color = cellObj.color styleObj.backgroundColor = cellObj.backgroundColor } // Show the menus for (var menuNo = 1; menuNo <= menuMax; menuNo++) { with (document) { write("") menuStyle = 'stMenuCell' + menuNo with (menus[menuNo]) { for (var rows=1; rows <= rowsMax; rows++) { write("") for (var cols=1; cols <= columnsMax; cols++) { var cellNo=rows * cols var item=items[cellNo] if (document.all) { write("") } else { write("") } } write("") } } write("
") write("

") } }