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A Page about me

My daughter and I

Of course my reason for designing this page was for a class. I haven't felt the need for a page of my own for several years. I'm 23 years old, and the picture here is the most recent I could find, and that's from January. Before that the best I could find was from my wedding four years ago, and I didn't have the goatee then. While I do like to spend my free time playing video games, I obviously don't have as much anymore because of my daughter Alex. I don't view this as a bad thing, I love my daughter and hope to have another child. Currently I am very much a househusband as I take care of things while I'm going to school for my Associate Degree. What I do with it depends on what kind of job I can get where I live. The links on my page support my love of video games, and are dedicated to someone who likes to tease me for it.

Site Navigation:

My daughter

My resume

A Few Favorite Sites:

Diablo II-A site I felt I had to include considering the number of times I referenced it in class. A very well designed web site, with a lot of valuble information, if you happen to play Diablo II that is.

Al Lowe's Humor Site-A site created my the man who created Leisure Suit Larry, who unfortunantly had nothing to due with LSL: Magna Cum Laude.

Game FAQs-The only other site that I frequent go to, though not as often sometimes as others. The best substitute for having a gaming guide, and sometimes even better.

E-Mail me, I swear I'll get to it eventually!