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Articles by Enaibe E.


Article #
Page #
63 - 74
A variational Approach to the Study of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
by ; Edison A. Enaibe, Department Physics, University of Benin Benin City, Nigeria
and John O. A. Idiodi, Department of Physics, University of Benin Benin City, Nigeria
275 - 280
The two-electron Interaction in the ground state of the Hubbard-Hirsch Hamiltonian
by ; Edison A. Enaibe and John O. A. Idiodi, Department of Physics, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria.


Abstract of Articles

A variational Approach to the Study of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems


Edison A. Enaibe
Department Physics, University of Benin Benin City, Nigeria
John O. A. Idiodi
Department of Physics, University of Benin Benin City, Nigeria


An investigation of the dynamic behavior of two electrons interacting under an extended Hubbard - type potential (t - t’ – U model) is presented., employing a variational analytic approach. The role of the next – nearest neighbour hopping parameter t’ is discussed and the results obtained form the extended Hubbard model are compared with those emerging from the usual t - u Hubbard model which contains only a nearest neighbour hopping parameter t.

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The two-electron Interaction in the ground state of the Hubbard-Hirsch Hamiltonian


Edison A. Enaibe and John O. A. Idiodi
Department of Physics,
University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria.


A single-band tight-binding model with on-site repulsion U and nearest-neighbour exchange interaction J (the so called Hubbard-Hirsch Hamiltonian) is studied with the help of a correlated variational approach. Two finite-sized lattices with periodic boundary conditions are considered and the criteria for the occurrence of a transition from an antiferromagnetic phase to a ferromagnetic phase are discussed.

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