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Right click on the file and select "save target as" to save a video


Dancing Man - This is a guy that showed up at the promo booth during Bike Bash and proceeded to dance the night away. He must have been 80 years old, but nothing was stopping this dude.

Radio Drop - This is a video of me dropping a cd player faceplate off of a seven story parking garage in downtown Fort Worth.  I found the faceplate laying on the ground and couldn't help myself

Sledding - This is a video of me sledding at the Bedford Boys Ranch last winter when it snowed.  Just when my ride is almost over, I hit a tree.  I know that at one point it sounds like I am crying, I can assure you I am not, in fact, I was laughing. **Warning** contains vulgar language 

Softball Hit - Just  a quick shot of my hitting a softball in a game (I flied out in case you care)

