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Class Art

Welcome To Our Class Site!

Hello, and welcome to the 8-P website. Whether you are a parent seeking information or a fellow student just browsing or checking due dates. This site was formed as a resource for both parents and children to access information about what's going on in the classroom and school. Also it lets you contact Mr. Parkhouse through email!


Some of the pages on the site may not be finished yet because of the fact that I just chaged the design of the whole site.

Mr. P's Message

     The winter season is a critical one for the students at Central School. During this term the students must decide where they are going to go and what they are going to take in grade nine. Parents have the opportunity to visit the high schools and can contact the counciling department, any time, to ask questions. Also, the grade eight teachers play a role in the direction of each student. Before students can hand in their high school forms the teachers make recommendations on which level (applied, academic, enriched) of subject they believe is most appropriate for that student. Teachers must base each decision on a child’s actual performance in their class, not on what they believe is the students’ true potential. Therefore if a child shows excellent understanding of mathematical concepts through verbal discussion or on EQAO testing, but does not complete homework in class and does poorly on assignments and tests, the teacher must recommend the stream which best meets their classroom effort. In this case the student would be recommended for the applied level course.

Academically in language, the 8-P class will be completing their first reading response book, create and present a new book cover for their novel, begin a second response book and hopefully participate in a debating unit. In math, geometry will be taught for the first time this term along with number sense (integers), data management and algebra.

This is an extremely important and busy term. The workload increases from term one to assist all students in better preparing for the riggers of high school. Students must spend at least one hour a night at home developing proper homework, organizational and study habits. Time is short and without a strong commitment to their education both at school and at home, grade nine will be a difficult year.

Site Created By: Ryan

Made With Notepad! Site Made By:  R.W.D.

Class Art