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AmesC815 (11:07:05 PM): hey
Burninwind (11:07:15 PM): hey
AmesC815 (11:07:45 PM): wat's up?
Burninwind (11:08:11 PM): not much...watchin the game
AmesC815 (11:08:29 PM): oooh...
AmesC815 (11:08:32 PM): question
AmesC815 (11:08:40 PM): pick a time for tomorrow please
Burninwind (11:09:00 PM): haha thats not a question
Burninwind (11:09:22 PM): thats like...a command
AmesC815 (11:09:28 PM): hahaha
AmesC815 (11:09:34 PM): yes, that's an order from me
AmesC815 (11:09:51 PM): n hey, i said please so it's not a command =-O
Burninwind (11:10:04 PM): fine fine a request
AmesC815 (11:10:19 PM): fine, im requesting u pick a time.
AmesC815 (11:10:24 PM): one that is suitable for u
AmesC815 (11:10:30 PM): since ur the one driving
Burninwind (11:12:40 PM): haha i honestly dont care...just anytime after 12 is fine
Burninwind (11:13:00 PM): you guys are the ones that may have a schedule of things to do
Burninwind (11:13:26 PM): me... got the entire day free
AmesC815 (11:14:16 PM): the entire day?

AmesC815 (11:14:24 PM): wat if i pick a time before 12?
Burninwind (11:14:55 PM): if u call me sure y not
AmesC815 (11:16:11 PM): r u serious?
AmesC815 (11:16:27 PM): wouldn't u be mad at me for waking u up?
Burninwind (11:17:03 PM): haha nope, if i say its alright, then it doesnt matter
AmesC815 (11:20:11 PM): yo, go yell at jina
AmesC815 (11:20:16 PM): tell her she's not going
Burninwind (11:22:19 PM): hahah she says that shed like to u try and stop her
Burninwind (11:22:27 PM): and y am i playin messenger
AmesC815 (11:23:42 PM): ur not...
Burninwind (11:27:39 PM): go go, discuss among urselves
AmesC815 (11:29:43 PM): hey, how about 1230-1 ish?
Burninwind (11:30:14 PM): alright sure
AmesC815 (11:30:31 PM): u sure???
Burninwind (11:30:39 PM): yes, absolutely
AmesC815 (11:34:12 PM): yo, guess who i saw today?
Burninwind (11:34:33 PM): guy or girl
AmesC815 (11:34:53 PM): guy
Burninwind (11:36:16 PM): umm dan?
AmesC815 (11:36:32 PM): guess good. but no
Burninwind (11:37:07 PM): ok, so i'm gonna guess hes asian
Burninwind (11:38:19 PM): ok...this is hard.
AmesC815 (11:38:23 PM): yea..
AmesC815 (11:38:29 PM): fine. we both noe him
AmesC815 (11:38:34 PM): u noe him better than i do
AmesC815 (11:38:37 PM): a LOT better
Burninwind (11:38:42 PM): mike?
AmesC815 (11:38:46 PM): no.
AmesC815 (11:38:59 PM): u guys live in the same township-warren.
Burninwind (11:39:05 PM): uhh henry?
AmesC815 (11:39:10 PM): NO
Burninwind (11:39:30 PM): oooh lou?
AmesC815 (11:40:00 PM): good job:-)
Burninwind (11:40:17 PM): haha yes yes, process of elimination
AmesC815 (11:40:56 PM): we talked today.
AmesC815 (11:41:04 PM): about things.
AmesC815 (11:41:13 PM): did u noe he didn't even noe u cooked?
Burninwind (11:41:54 PM): haha yea my cooking is a low-key thing
AmesC815 (11:42:35 PM): yea?
AmesC815 (11:42:36 PM): y?
Burninwind (11:43:20 PM): never really came up before i guess
AmesC815 (11:44:23 PM): u noe wat he asked me that i thought was funny?
Burninwind (11:44:39 PM): what?
AmesC815 (11:45:40 PM): r u the person he made the cheesecake for?
AmesC815 (11:45:47 PM): n i nearly like choked.
AmesC815 (11:46:02 PM): cuz i was like...yo, how does HE noe?
Burninwind (11:46:30 PM): hahah whoa
Burninwind (11:46:44 PM): i never mentioned it to him i dont think
Burninwind (11:49:42 PM): whered u see him?
AmesC815 (11:50:52 PM): bio review
AmesC815 (11:50:59 PM): he just sat next to me
Burninwind (11:51:31 PM): ah i see i see
AmesC815 (11:58:55 PM): yep
AmesC815 (12:08:55 AM): one noes u cook?
Burninwind (12:09:14 AM): nah people do now
Burninwind (12:09:35 AM): just most of the people from hs dont know
AmesC815 (12:10:35 AM): does ur group noe?
AmesC815 (12:10:47 AM): how do people noe now compared to hs?
Burninwind (12:11:32 AM): haha words gotten around ever since i cooked a thanksgiving meal for the group
AmesC815 (12:11:47 AM): oooh.
AmesC815 (12:11:57 AM): was the meal good?
Burninwind (12:12:23 AM): yea it wasnt too bad i dont think
AmesC815 (12:12:33 AM): :-D
AmesC815 (12:14:50 AM): wait, im just curious. how many people noe u made cheesesteak? :-P
Burninwind (12:15:07 AM): psst u mean cheesecake
AmesC815 (12:15:12 AM): oh yea
AmesC815 (12:15:16 AM): oops
AmesC815 (12:15:18 AM): :-D:-D
AmesC815 (12:15:21 AM): omg :-D
Burninwind (12:16:13 AM): hahah umm i'd say 15?
Burninwind (12:16:36 AM): well, that i know of
AmesC815 (12:17:50 AM): really?
AmesC815 (12:17:53 AM): how?
Burninwind (12:19:08 AM): haha either i told them, they were there, or they just heard from someone
AmesC815 (12:19:32 AM): they were there when u made it???

Burninwind (12:19:52 AM): well, eric and henry were, and liz was there for a bit too
AmesC815 (12:20:18 AM): oooh, ok...:-D:-D
Burninwind (12:21:09 AM): haha yup
Burninwind (12:24:29 AM): u sounded shocked there, that there were people there
AmesC815 (12:25:24 AM): kinda..
AmesC815 (12:25:44 AM): watever. :-)
AmesC815 (12:31:19 AM): wolves lost
Burninwind (12:31:35 AM): was disappointing
Burninwind (12:31:40 AM): close game the entire way
AmesC815 (12:31:47 AM): yea...
Burninwind (12:42:52 AM): ooh question, which mall do u guys wanna go to tomorrow?
AmesC815 (12:45:28 AM): argg...i just asked jina. n she wants a "surprise" supposedly.....(it's her birthday day)

AmesC815 (12:45:33 AM): the 5th of may
AmesC815 (12:45:41 AM): so where shall we go, dave?
Burninwind (12:46:36 AM): menlo, bridgewater, short hills are the three logical choices off the top of my head
AmesC815 (12:46:55 AM): hahaha...dave. choose then
AmesC815 (12:47:00 AM): ur choice
AmesC815 (12:47:04 AM): up to U, man
Burninwind (12:47:07 AM): ok i shall decide this then
AmesC815 (12:47:34 AM): :-)
AmesC815 (12:47:46 AM): have u decided yet then?
Burninwind (12:48:00 AM): haha no.
Burninwind (12:48:08 AM): not that quick
AmesC815 (12:48:19 AM): so wat? ur gonna decide tomorrow in the car???
Burninwind (12:48:53 AM): haha no no i'll decide before i get there
AmesC815 (12:54:15 AM): which mall is prettier?
Burninwind (12:55:25 AM): short hills or menlo....about same, but short hills has a classy feel to it
AmesC815 (12:56:03 AM): hmmm..
Burninwind (12:56:37 AM): bw isnt bad recently...but not on the same level
AmesC815 (12:57:34 AM): recently?

Burninwind (12:57:52 AM): yea they redid a lot of stuff
AmesC815 (12:58:04 AM): :-)
AmesC815 (1:08:03 AM): so i heard that lou wanted to live with u guys rite?
AmesC815 (1:08:06 AM): if dan wasn't there
AmesC815 (1:08:18 AM): cuz he noes u guys don't like him too
Burninwind (1:08:48 AM): haha yea cuz his housing plans got messed up the same time ours did
Burninwind (1:09:05 AM): but i didnt know that his plans fell through
AmesC815 (1:09:10 AM): huh?
AmesC815 (1:09:18 AM): his housing isn't messed up
Burninwind (1:09:22 AM): no no before
AmesC815 (1:09:32 AM): oh...ok.
AmesC815 (1:09:45 AM): u noe wat i think is really weird?
Burninwind (1:10:05 AM): what?
AmesC815 (1:11:01 AM): that, u n henry, who (i think) have a great personality, very tolerant n doesn't get mad easily....would be soooo annoyed at dan.
Burninwind (1:12:49 AM): haha hmm yea
Burninwind (1:13:13 AM): thefirst impression that we got of him wasnt good...well at least what i got
AmesC815 (1:14:26 AM): that's sooo weird tho
AmesC815 (1:14:46 AM): like, u n henry seriouslY DO NOT get mad easily
AmesC815 (1:14:48 AM): or mad at all
AmesC815 (1:15:01 AM): yet dan annoys the hell out of u
Burninwind (1:16:09 AM): hahah yea...i dont know, somethin about him is irritating
AmesC815 (1:18:34 AM): hmm..
AmesC815 (1:20:22 AM): i just hope that u n henry will be patient (in a way...i dunno wat word im looking for exactly) but don't judge him tooo quickly is wat i mean
Burninwind (1:22:12 AM): yea...i dont think we will, cuz we talked about this before, and decided that he probably wouldnt be as bad as we see him now
Burninwind (1:22:50 AM): it'll be amusing nevertheless, after all, we will have our bad mood days...and yea, just gotta try and steer clear of confrontation at first
AmesC815 (1:23:32 AM): bad mood days for u n henry?
Burninwind (1:24:25 AM): haha well not necessary bad mood...but uhh yea short fused days
AmesC815 (1:25:43 AM): just remember...calm, breathe
AmesC815 (1:25:54 AM): n think harmony
AmesC815 (1:25:56 AM): peace
AmesC815 (1:25:59 AM): :-P
Burninwind (1:26:32 AM): hahah yes meditation
Burninwind (1:27:14 AM): wanna throw in a little yoga in there
AmesC815 (1:28:08 AM): sure
AmesC815 (1:28:14 AM): go ahead. be my guest
AmesC815 (1:28:37 AM): all i want to say is don't do ne thing u'll regret
AmesC815 (1:29:32 AM): i really don't want to see u guys unhappy or fighting
Burninwind (1:30:23 AM): haha yea...but honestly, what do u see me doing?
AmesC815 (1:30:35 AM): honestly now?
Burninwind (1:30:45 AM): yes be completely blunt
AmesC815 (1:32:31 AM): ok. from wat u told me about ur tempers, i think i could see some sort of verbal fight...which may lead to something else
AmesC815 (1:32:43 AM): maybe not punching the wall but like...
AmesC815 (1:33:10 AM): i could see u being very unhappy n pissed
AmesC815 (1:33:47 AM): n who noes? he might tick u off on one of ur bad mood days n.....idn
Burninwind (1:34:19 AM): haha ur thinkin i might beat him down?
AmesC815 (1:35:17 AM): idn...wat u told about ur bad tempers as a kid..kinda...idn how to describe it
AmesC815 (1:35:25 AM): but maybe u might...
AmesC815 (1:36:13 AM): like...wat u told me really shocked me
AmesC815 (1:36:25 AM): i would NEVER imagine u like that
Burninwind (1:36:56 AM): yea, i dont think anyone wouldve thought that i was like that
AmesC815 (1:37:06 AM): yea...
AmesC815 (1:37:29 AM): i U think u'll hit him seriously now?
Burninwind (1:38:00 AM): no
AmesC815 (1:38:12 AM): wat do U see happening then?
Burninwind (1:38:27 AM): thats all behind me now...the whole hitting people thing when i'm angry
AmesC815 (1:38:57 AM): ok...but wat do u see happening at the dorm?
Burninwind (1:39:18 AM): i think the worst it'll come to is verbal disputes or us just not talkin to one another
AmesC815 (1:39:40 AM): dude, the two of u barely talk now. :-\
Burninwind (1:40:00 AM): true
AmesC815 (1:40:18 AM): hey, im just curious about something
Burninwind (1:40:24 AM): yea whats up
AmesC815 (1:44:20 AM): no one in ur group likes him?
AmesC815 (1:44:25 AM): including liz?
AmesC815 (1:44:33 AM): cuz i noe about the whole dan-liz thing
Burninwind (1:45:03 AM): yea i have no idea...shes told us that she doesnt like someone, but in turn still had feelings for em
Burninwind (1:45:16 AM): but chrissie and shyam didnt get a good first impression of him at all
AmesC815 (1:45:56 AM): b/c of????
Burninwind (1:46:43 AM): just vibes and stuff he said that night
AmesC815 (1:48:03 AM): hmm...cuz i heard that liz doesn't like him ne more?
AmesC815 (1:48:23 AM): which i think is weird cuz from wat henry told me, she liked him a LOT
Burninwind (1:48:40 AM): yea i think so
AmesC815 (1:49:14 AM): hey, gonna sleep. good nite :-)
Burninwind (1:49:21 AM): gnite
Session concluded at 1:49:41 AM