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Assassin's Of Gor
Welcome to my Home

Rules are simple

if you dont have safe passage your not safe here

1.No fighting in this Home
2.slaves will show the proper respect here.
3.FW will wear veils at all times in this Home and wear the proper robes any nudity avs or no veils will result in a ko-lar
4.Showing disrespect or disHonor in my home with result in death or a ko-lar

I will not hesitate to deal with rudness,,,lazy slaves,,,mouthy FW,,,nor Masters with a chip on there shoulders,,take it else where or you might not leave this Homes alive..

1. "The Assassin is like a musician, a surgeon. The Warrior is a butcher, a ravaging, bloodthirsty lout." 2. "Assassins are arid fellows and Warriors are more genial and enthusiastic. 3. "An assassin goes in and does his job, and comes out quietly. Warriors storm buildings and burn towers." 4. "More than one triumph in a Gorean city has been spoiled by the bolt of an assassin." 5. "the sword of the warrior is pledged to a Home Stone, the assassin to gold and the knife."

When he of the Cast of Assassins has been paid his gold and has received his charge he affixes on his forehead that sign, that he may enter whatever city he pleases, that none may interfere with his work. Assassin of Gor, page 7

DrAgOnTaT's Home..