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O.o w00t homepage?
it's w00t because me0w says so!


O.o Hi.. This was unexpected... well I didn't really expect anyone to come to this page unless they were looking for my FanFiccies. ^_^ I say this in plural but it is actually only one. v.v Whelp I'm still stalling. I'm kind of embarrassed to let people read it. O.o in time don't rush me you'll see it :-P Ok Ok... OOO!!!! I forget to tell you! HeHe, I'm working on a lemon! YaY! I might post it on here or I might not, it depends on how courageous I feel :) Or it could just be light lemon stuff. So yea wait for it!











<- hehe I steal from Kitty!


Love and War

Okies this is my first FanFiccy and my only one at the moment. It is about  Yuki being in love with Kyou and a bunch of other sadness. It is unfinished at the moment but it is up to chapter 3 so enjoy =^.^= Ah, will Kyou fall for Yuki in the end? Or will everything fall apart?


This part will eventually contain links to all the fanficcies I like and recommend you read. But not now. I don't really feel like gathering them all ^.^



I must give props to my homies... Or something.... Yea, thanks Peter for all your support and in helping me get over my phobia of judgment... sort of lol. Love You Bunches!!!! Katie thanks for saying you loved it and you wanted to read more lol it motivated me a little farther. Thank you soooo much Kitty for introducing me not only to Fruits Basket but to your awesome friend Kelly oops sorry! I mean Puppy! ^.^ Hi Puppy!!!! Oh! Puppy! Thanks for introducing me to the naughtiness that can be FanFics ^.^ hehe great time! Thank You Bunnii (even though you're the last on the list you're not last in my heart) you've helped me push myself not only in drawing but in writing also. So thank you all! I love you Ooodles and Ooodles XD *gives group huggles* YaY!

-D drop K or me0w