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"Simplifying to the extreme, I define postmodernism as incredulity toward metanarratives."

- Jean-Francois Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition

"...postmodernism: A rejection of the sovereign autonomous individual with an emphasis upon anarchic collective anonymous experience. Collage, diversity, the mystically unrepresentable, Dionysian passion are the foci of attention. Most importantly we see the dissolution of distinctions, the merging of subject and object, self and other. This is a sarcastic playful parody of western modernity and the "John Wayne" individual and a radical anarchist rejection of all attempts to define reify or re-present the human subject."

- James Morley as presented in Postmodern Culture, an electronic conference list

Collage-Postmodern Landscape

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PoMo Blog
PoMo pg.2 Literary Texts
PoMo pg. 3 Syllabus
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