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Mahlia Dascos has many Genetic Enhancements which include the following ::

Her entire skeletal structure has been reinforced with a titanium alloy...Her heart and lungs are biomechanical replicates of the originals to handle the strain her- hyper metabolism,increased body weight due to titanium and hyper increased speed with increased endurances...Her hyper speed and endurance comes from synthetic enhancements to her brain nerve activities...One eye has telephoto and infra red,the other has ultra violet capabilities...Her body no longer has blood-but rather a coolant type of fluid,made of various bimolecular cell groupings,which acts much the same as blood for nutrition and oxygen dispersal,but also cools her body from the intense heat caused when using her hyper speeds and endurances... Her skin,though soft and supple to the feel has inner meshed fibers of complex blended synthetic materials-making it tougher then most metals and very rapid healing...

She has suffered many set backs - since the first enhancements were done without her permission by those who sought only to use her till she was destroyed...

Since then she has suffered mental irregularities and anger..It took many life threatening and severely painful surgeries to "fix" her,,during which time she was not able to complete the "jobs"she took on,so a rage at those who damaged her and self blame exist within in her............

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