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This is my site on the web.  For Over Nine Years, I have maintained this website in one form or the other. Most of the time was spent in 1997-1999/2000.  At one time, I drove around LA and Seattle taking pictures of this and that. I also encoded my own music in to Real Audio Samples, before mp3's and CDNow were popular. In early 2004 I decided to update the site. I've taken away a lot of stuff from the site, such as the RA samples. As the web has grown and developed, there is simply no reason for me maintain the detailed stuff that I once had on the site, its readily available elsewhere. Most people today just maintain a blog and write about their life. I suppose that this website, the content, the layout, etc tell you something about  me and my interest. Its so funny, but I'm updating this site (sorta) for my myspace page. Unlike when I was in college when I started this, I don't have the time to put together a fancy my space page and why should I. I did all of this. So yeah, most of this stuff is outdated, and I'm certainly not the person I used to be, but this is me: Enjoy :) Last Update: 01/21/2006


So What's New? I finally got most of the site up to date. The only page that is really out of date is the Television and games page. The others have been updated :) 


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© 1997,1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 JDOG All Rights Reserved. (click for details)