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user : lala838
pet : Shala838
NP : 2,433

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~*The Element Faeries*~ Coming Soon
Queen Faerie: lala838 Neighbourhood: Air Faerie Cloud
~*The Element Faeries*~
I. lala838
II. Apply For Position
III. Apply For Position
IV. Apply For Position
V. Apply For Position
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    Welcome all newbies to The Element Faerie. You are a newbie if it is your firat week. If you haven't been sorted in to houses this is the first step. To do the quiz
    click here--->The Sorting Quiz. About 3 days antil you will get the resolts. Remmember to read the Guild Rules
    Hi there... ^_^

    Welcome to The Element Faeries! Here it has evrything you want!!! I just made this new one, so i still have some stuff to fix. it will be way better then the other ones cause it will it will be updated and stuff. We have already thought up a bunch of new features we just have to make them!

    heapes of things added

    • House Goal: 1000hp

    - Donation Shop
    - Help
    - Rules
    - Classes
    - Contests
    - Misc. Links
    - Lookups, Badges & Banners

    !ATTENTION! - If you'd like to become the Head Faeie, please send a neomail to lala838 along with why you'd like to be Head Faerie, what you've done for the guild, and what you expect to do in the future. In order to apply you MUST meet the following requirements: You MUST a minimum of 50 messages already posted, you must have been in the guild for a month, you must be sorted and you MUST be very active.

    !ATTENTION! - If you would like to become one of the Prefects, please send a neomail to lala838 along with why you would like to become a Prefect, what you have donr for the guild, and what you to do in the future. In order to apply you MUST meet the following requirements: You MUST a minimum of 50 messages already posted, you must have been in the guild for a month, you must be sorted and you MUST be very active.

  • !ATTENTION! - If you'd like to run and apply for Earth Faerie , please send a neomail to lala838 along with why you'd like to be Head Of Earth Faeries. In order to apply you MUST meet the following requirements: you MUST have been in the guild for a month, you must be a Eaeth Faerie, and you MUST be very active.

  • !ATTENTION! - If you'd like to run and apply for Air Faerie , please send a neomail to lala838 along with why you'd like to be Head Of Air Faeries. In order to apply you MUST meet the following requirements: You MUST have been in the guild for a month, you must be a Air Faerie, and you MUST be very active.

  • House Points
    NOBODY is in the lead!!