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Help Needed..

Hello everyone my name is chris and im 24 years old. I had suffered from a stroke back in june of 2003 due to a rare malformality in the blood called "Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome" caused by Antiphospholipid Antibodies. My case was extremely rare and stemmed from pure genetics. Since my stroke i have lost a good portion of my peripheral vision and has made driving almost impossible. Not only have i been burdened with this freak accident but i have been unable to work for a month in a half and now suffer from a skin defficency called psorisis. Usually in case's like this people have not survived nor kept all funtion of thier body and have become flasid on either side of the body, but luckily in my case i have only suffered loss in vision. Unfortunately my insurance did not cover all medical cost and was left with about $5,500 in medical bills and has taken it's toll on me since i have not been cleared to go back to work. Anyone who would like to help me out by dontating any amount would greatly help me get through this unfortunate medical issue.

If you have anymore questions about what has happened to me or if you would just like to simply say hi you can e-mail me at .