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Welcome to Halo HELL.

I-Iere you can find halo funny pics, fan pics and art,  the art was drawn by very talented artists.the fan pics are really  awesome..the funny pics are really cool too.i will be adding a video of the actual halo enjoy...Oh yeah, Theres a poll..Scroll all the way down to see the other features of the site.


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// You may edit the message below. var startMsg = "ThE HeLl Of HaLO Has ArRIVeD..."; var str = ""; var msg = ""; var leftMsg = ""; function setMessage() { if (msg == "") { str = " "; msg = startMsg; leftMsg = ""; } if (str.length == 1) { while (msg.substring(0, 1) == " ") { leftMsg = leftMsg + str; str = msg.substring(0, 1); msg = msg.substring(1, msg.length); } leftMsg = leftMsg + str; str = msg.substring(0, 1); msg = msg.substring(1, msg.length); for (var ii = 0; ii < 120; ii++) { str = " " + str; } } else str = str.substring(10, str.length); window.status = leftMsg + str; // This editable value (1000 = 1 second) // corresponds to the speed of the shooting // message. timeout = window.setTimeout('setMessage()',100); } // -->