<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% Sample_File = "https://www.angelfire.com/alt2/freestyle/123.htm" %> <% ' GuestBook / Adam Liwski - 14/01/01 '------------------------------------ ' script like this and many more are available at : www.ASP.org.il ' ' ' Set FSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ACTION = Request.Form("action") If ACTION = "add_msg" Then UserName = HebrewEncode(Request.Form("user")) EMail = HebrewEncode(Request.Form("email")) MsgText = Replace(HebrewEncode(Request.Form("msgtxt")),vbCrlf,"
") Set TextFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(Sample_File,1,False) if NOT TextFile.AtEndOfStream Then OldText = TextFile.ReadAll TextFile.Close Set TextFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(Sample_File,2,True) TextFile.Write OldText TextFile.Write UserName & ";" & EMail & vbCrlf TextFile.Write MsgText & vbCrlf TextFile.Write "~" & vbCrlf TextFile.Close Set TextFile = Nothing Set FSO = Nothing Response.Redirect Request.ServerVariables("Script_Name") End if Function HebrewEncode(txt) Dim i, ch, AsciiCode HebrewEncode = "" For i = 1 to len(txt) ch = mid(txt,i,1) AsciiCode = asc(ch) if AsciiCode < 224 or AsciiCode > 250 then ch = server.htmlEncode(ch) HebrewEncode = Replace(HebrewEncode,"~","") HebrewEncode = Replace(HebrewEncode,";","") HebrewEncode = HebrewEncode & ch Next End Function %> Text-Based GuestBook
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ספר אורחים
<% i = 1 Set TextFile = FSO.OpenTextFile(Sample_File,1,True) While Not TextFile.AtEndOfStream Name = TextFile.ReadLine Email = Right(Name,Len(Name)-InStr(1,Name,";")) Name = Left(Name,InStr(1,Name,";")-1) MessageText = TextFile.ReadLine While Right(MessageText,1) <> "~" MessageText = MessageText & TextFile.ReadLine Wend Response.Write "" if i mod 3 = 0 Then Response.Write "" i = i + 1 Wend TextFile.Close Set FSO = Nothing %>
" Response.Write "" Response.Write "
" if Email <> "" Then Response.Write "" Response.Write Name if Email <> "" Then Response.Write "" Response.Write "
" Response.Write Left(MessageText,Len(MessageText)-1) Response.Write "

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