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The scene begins outside a bar somewhere just outside Mexico. The night is colder, but near Mexico nothing gets freezing. The wind blows, it’s not that powerful; but would raise a couple of hairs on the back of your neck. The sky is beginning to darker and the moon shines downwards onto the big sign that says "El Paco's Slammer". The sign is made out of wood and paint. On the steps just outside the bar are lay abouts who have been tossed out of the bar as they are outrageously drunk. They slump back on the steps with out a care in the world. There is a sound of engines as a car pull into the parking lot. The Car is a red BMW car which is pretty shiny. The front of it has a couple of dents in it and the way the man is driving it, you can understand. The wheels seem to have seeping mud all up the side of them yet the alloys are still pretty clean. The windows of the car are tainted black so none can see in them. The number plate reads "Future" in black letters. The BMW template on the bonnet of the car looks like it has been shined for several hours. The white headlights are on as they drive in they light up the numerous cigarette buts that have been trampled into the mud. The car drives in and parks parallel to an old pick up truck. The engine turns off so simultaneously so do the lights. The two doors begin to open slowly. Out of the passenger seat comes a man wearing a pair of white jeans and a green Georgio hoody, not the most expensive of attire. Upon his mans feet are a dirty pair of Nike trainers. This man is Rictor, Ric to his friend. He is the best friend of the main character in this promo, which we are about find out. Rictor is a pretty generous guy and works for an electricity company eighty-two hours a week and tonight is his night out with his best friend. The drivers seat door opens slowly and out of it steps a man. The man is about five foot nine inches tall and his physique is that of a wrestler. He wears a pair of black jeans, which are ironed pretty well for a single man. Around his waist is a black leather belt with a shiny silver buckle. His footwear are a pair of black Doctor Martin's shoes which are shined pretty well, the laces are tied perfectly as well. His upper-body is covered by a black silk shirt. Over the top of the shirt is a long black leather jacket. Around the mans neck is a shiny silver chain. The man has long brown hair which is pushed backwards over his ears. In the months to come this man will be a rising star in the WWF 2K3, this man will be working for the Smackdown brand. This man is "The Future" Frankie Kazarian. He is more known for his wrestling career under the alias of “The Future” but has made a publicity decision to disclose his real name as of lately.

Frankie and Rictor begin to walk towards the entrance, they have a small conversation. Don starts this conversation off with his deep voice.

[Rictor]- Frankie, thanks allot for taking me out tonight, I've been nackered all week.

Frankie looks over his shoulder at Rictor with a smile on his face. He speaks his first words that are broadcasted on television.

["The Future" Frankie Kazarian]- It's okay man, but I have something important to talk to you about. Tonight I'm celebrating my new job!

Rictor is shocked, but a happy kind of shock and he speaks in his excited tone of voice.

[Rictor]- You got a new job, please tell me your still wrestling.

Frankie frowns.

["The Future" Frankie Kazarian]- I wish I was..

Rictor’s excitement dies down.

[Rictor]- Sorry to hear it man..

Frankie looks at him strangely.

["The Future" Frankie Kazarian]- Sorry to hear what?

Rictor stares with a sympathetic look on his face.

[Rictor]- I'm sorry to hear you won't be wrestling anymore.

Frankie looks at him again with a confused look on his face.

["The Future" Frankie Kazarian]- Who said anything about me not wrestling anymore, of course I am wrestling..

Rictor’s sympathetic face pops and his excited one rears its head again.

[Rictor]- Damn I hate when you play little tricks like Frankie! So what federation you signed a contract to this time?

As a mosqitio flies near Frankie, he fights away and then turns to Rictor again.

["The Future" Frankie Kazarian]- Huh? Oh sorry about that, damn mosqitos. I have a job at a wrestling federation called the WWF 2K3 run by this guy called Vince McMahon and GM Eric Bischoff. Remember Commando, we met him at the autograph signing ages ago; well that’s his old boss and he said it will be a good place for me to make my name known.

Donald smiles and pats The Grudge on the back.

[Rictor]- Congratulations man, this is the chance you've been waiting for.

The two walk up the steps and one of the lay abouts grabs Frankie by leg and speaks in his drunken voice.

[Lay About #1]- Hey you..

Frankie looks down.

["The Future" Frankie Kazarian]- Who me?

The lay about answers sarcastically.

[Lay About #1]- Yes you. I recognise you.

The Future thinks to himself about the awkwardness of this after getting in a bar fight a week earlier.

["The Future" Frankie Kazarian]- Really?

The lay about takes a second to think.

[Lay About #1]- That's it! You work for that new wrestling federation the WWF 2K3, yeh I saw the commercial this morning.

Another lay about looks up after vometting over the side of the steps. He speaks stuttering slightly.

[Lay About #2]- Yeh I know what your on about Chavo, he's the guy that says he’s da future!!

Frankie looks shocked.

["The Future" Frankie Kazarian]- Wow, what a coincidence. When I signed my contract Vince told me that he was going to push me but damn, word is spreading pretty quickly.

The first lay about lets go and Rictor and Frankie enter the bar. The bar isn't the most glamourus bar a WWF wrestler would enter, but this isn't the WWF, this is Mexico. The bar has wooden tables everywhere with stools around them. On the tables are ashtrays full of ashes and risen off of Marjjuana. There is a bar made of wood in the rear corner with tall wooden stools again. The camera picks up the bar in the background of the room, it consists of allot of spirits and a few gallons of tequila. Rictor and Frankie walk towards the bar observing the Mexican social life, well for the Mexicans who cross the boarder for a drink. Rictor and Frankie get to the bar and spot two stalls. They walk towards them and sit upon them Frankie sweeps off the spilt drink with a drink coaster and then pulls his wallet out. He looks at Rictor.

["The Future" Frankie Kazarian]- So what do you want to drink?

Rictor has look behind the counter as he gets comfortable.

[Rictor]- I think I'll just have a beer..

Frankie smiles as he looks toward the barmen. The barmen wears a black shirt and a pair of white trousers. He has a Mexican tan to him. You can see on his arm that he has a tattoo of an eagle. He has long dark hair which is tied back, he speaks bad English.

[Barmen]-What can I be getting for you?

Frankie pulls a couple of dollars out.

["The Future" Frankie Kazarian]- Just two beers please pal'.

The barmen pulls out two glasses and fills them with the brown liquid, at the top of the glass is a white froth.

[Barmen]- That will be two dollars.

He says in his Mexican accent. Frankie hands him the money and the beers are slid forward.

["The Future" Frankie Kazarian]- Thanks allot..

The Barmen goes to another customer and leave Frankie and Rictor to talk about Frankie's job. The two begin the conversation.

[Rictor]- So when’s your long awaited first match in the WWF then Frankie?

Frankie takes a sip of his drink, he swallows it and then puts the glass down.

["The Future" Frankie Kazarian]- Next Thursday, on Smackdown. It's going to be fucking excellent. ‘m not sure who I take on yet, but I can’t wait to get back in the ring.

Rictor smiles.

[Rictor]- So you have everything pretty well covered then?

Frankie fiddles with the peanuts he has just got from a bowl in front of him.

["The Future" Frankie Kazarian]- Your damn right I have!! Next week on Smackdown; there’s going to be some high flying shit happening I can tell you that. I have my eyes set on winning the X Division title.

[Rictor]- Great. You always were a daredevil. Hey man I need to go to hit the head. I'll be back in bit.

["The Future" Frankie Kazarian]- Take your time. My flight to Connecticut doesn’t leave for another eight hours. Hahahaha!!!

The scene fades away as Frankie polishes off his beer and orders another…..