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The Walbridges - Nea, Lee, Patti,& Ken

People have called me wacko, have looked at me weird, when I say some things. Just living where I live I’ve had assumptions made of me, but then I suppose everybody has that done to them. Vermonters think differently from the rest of the US & I’m no exception. I’m different. That makes me scary & they clam up. So I generally don’t talk. I’ve grown accustomed to that, I’ve accepted the fact that some are closed minded & nothing you say or do will change them, but once in a while it bothers me. Conversely, quiet people are scary, because it’s the quiet ones ya gotta watch for. Also, my life is chaotic so I may not have the chance to talk. I think differently from most people. For some people that blows their mind & they can’t figure me out. Don’t want to take the time to ask why I think this way, maybe there’s a good reason. Because of events in my life, I have strong opinions for my beliefs. Those who are willing to learn, to expand their mind, will ask. Maybe I am weird, actually I’ve often admitted to it. Crazy too. However, it’s the crazy people that can keep their sanity in this often insane world. Also for the crazy ones, life isn’t boring. It’s so easy to get stuck in a rut in this world, be working your job, taking care of your family, what can amount to plodding along. Keep your mind alert, active. That’s part of what will keep you young. Each generation brings new, interesting challenges. Be open to new, different thoughts, ways of doing things. This world changes constantly. If it didn’t it would stagnate & get really ugly.