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animated dragon animated dragon DRAGONDAWN

Welcome to Dragondawn, a Wiccan site.

silver line & orb

Wicca is an ancient way of life that is now, in the 21st century, making a come back and many people want to know exactly what it is.
In these pages I hope to answer some of your questions and I hope you find the information both enlightening and fun.
As you read through these pages, bear in mind these words.

As these pages you begin to read remember always the Wiccan Creed
Eight words the Wiccan rede fulfil, 'An it harm none, do what you will'

And by the ancient rule of three, that which is done returns threefold to thee
Speak no evil, do no harm and the Gods themselves will bless thy charm

silver line & orb

Blessed Be.

animated dragon
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