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Newsletter No.11

Dear Circle members

So much has happened these last few weeks that we do not know quite where to begin.

The bad news is that, in spite of public repudiation of Cowmilla, Charles still continues with his 'Master Plan' to get her accepted, no doubt hoping to soften us up for his marriage to come. We have naturally reminded his mother, the Queen, of the risk to her throne and have written several times to Dr Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, who has only replied through a secretary in a way that is completely unsatisfactory. We will not relax until he replies personally and concisely as to where he stands.

It would help if all members wrote to HM The Queen, Buckingham Palace, London SW1 and to the Archbishop of Canterbury at Lambeth Palace, London SE1 7JU.

Newsletter No 9 contained news of the effort being made by Mr Jonathon Stone to privately put up a statue of Diana in London after being continually knocked back by the authorities. The matter is still in hand but is going slowly, so we have nothing more to report at this time

The good news is that, through the kind services of James Whitaker and his weekly column in the Daily Mirror, Many overseas people have been put in touch with us, mainly from the U.S.A. but also from Australia and Belgium so far. They all said they wanted to join our circle as they admired what we are doing in this country. After we gave them more details of what we stood for and what we actively do, Lisa Stewart from Louisiana and Chris Roman from Virginia have started the ball rolling in setting up the Diana Circle US, affiliated to The Diana Circle UK, as we will now have to be known.

Kayleen Henschel in Cranbourne, Victoria has also said she would like to set up The Diana Circle Australia, Just for Australians.

Nearly all these people use various websites to keep in touch. We gave them Pete Whitbourn's website and one they gave us to look at was : 

With this newspage we want to express the circles thought on Paul Burrell and the two princes, William and Harry. Let us know what you think, We don't mind if you disagree, what we all agree on is our beloved late Princess Diana

Until next time.......




"Now that her own light has been extinguished so cruelly and prematurely, We who survive and mourn Diana, we whose lives she so enriched, must in turn do our best for her"

Anthony Holden 1997