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About the Owner

Hello and welcome my name is Luke and I’m sixteen and in the early stages of staring up a small business that I hope will grow into a name that people go to for there band art work. I have gone through one year of a graphic design course in school and one year of a fundamentals of art class. I am now about to enter my Junior year at Highland Park High school and will be taking a web design class.(Graphic Design 3-4) I am trying to take the design skills I have learned and use them in the real world. The skills I have now will increase dramatically as time goes on, but if you a band looking for cheep/well done artwork at a great price then Decaying Art is your place.

Information and Prices

Guarantee - If your looking for independent cd, banner, sticker, shirt or a design for you music project then Decaying art is the right place. The prices are very cheep and when I'm done with the art work you decide its not how you wanted it then you get a full refund. My idea is not at all to rip people off but to let them know that I can be trusted on my word and that I want this to grow and keep expanding so I will be a known name. If we work together at all you automatically get a link on this site to you bands site.

Price - I work for $10 dollars a hour, this is very cheap because graphic work doesn’t take very long but the trouble is getting a idea going for your certain band before sitting down and making the art. All your paying for is the elapsed amount of time I’m out taking pictures and sitting at the computer. Don't worry I’ll be very reasonable with how long I worked and the actual amount of time I actually spent working.

How It Works

I will design the art for your project and then when I'm done if your happy you do what you want with it from there. I will give you one color copy of the finished art, more copies must be printed by the customer or a company whatever it is you want. Anything you want your art to be featured on is fine with me. You must know that your art will be featured on the site for others to see and to spread the word. As Decaying Art grows I can extended what I do and make more things available. But for now I create the designs and give them to you to give to other company’s to print them on whatever you like. Depending on how much time you give me to play around with that art is the more time I have to show you different ideas and you decide what you like the best. Remember I’m very flexible about all things and will talk it over you and make sure you get the exact finished product in the end.

Sample Art
- More to come as we expand -

Inside My Dying Arms (Cover Only)


Phone # 1-847-926-0955 (Luke)
Aim - Brave Murder Day 1


Luke's Personal Site - Site that features Music, Journal and independent graphic projects.

Back Alley Studio - Great, cheep, local studio.

Convectum - Awesome metal from Northbrook