Carakas Blight History
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He is a moderately young one. At the age of 22 he has many useful yet deadly talents. He has learned several forms and arts of martial arts . A few examples of those are examples are Juditsu, Tai Chi, Ku Nogh, And Si Ki Noe. He had traveled to many worlds to master these arts. He started his traing atthe age of seven and completed it at the age of fifteen. For five years after that he had returned to his home to train in the art of assassination. He hails from the assassin planet of tarsonis. Tarsonis has two moons rotating it's circumfrence. The two moons have been colonized by two different people, each believing in their own ways of life. There is the Moon of the Dark Arts and the Moon of the White Arts. The two armies of each moon are constantly skirmishing each other.