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Hardcore Dancing

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Thursday, November 6th, 2003
11:18 pm - Alot of these suck, but ...

November 7th Berkeley, CA TIME FOR LIVING (RECORD RELEASE), PHYSICAL CHALLANGE (OR), LIGHTS OUT, WEAR THE MARK(So Cal), TAKARU @ 924 GILMAN STREET. doors 8:30/show 8:30 $5 + $2 membership (if you don't have one)

November 21st Berkley, CA Holier Than Thou?/Covered in Scars, Knifefight, Rabid, Strung up, Voetsk @ Gilman 5$w/card or 7$w/o. Norcal vs Socal vol.1!!!

November 22nd Santa Cruz, CA Annihilation Time, Deadfall, Holier than thou, Knifefught @ Zombie Manor-Bring$$$. for info


November 26th San Francisco, CA Evergreen Terrace, Glasseater, Calico System, Fate Thirteen @ The Pound SF..

November 27th Prunedale, CA EVERGREEN TERRACE, GLASSEATER, Fate Thirteen, Calico System, Reflux @ Jim Dandy's. 7pm, $10..

December 1st Prunedale, CA BURY YOUR DEAD, BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME, Scars of Tomorrow, A Perfect Murder, Far From Surrender @ Jim Dandy's..

The Goods ...
December 16th Prunedale, CA INTEGRITY, Agony Scene, On Broken Wings, Moria @ Jim Dandy's..


January 2nd Prunedale, CA HIMSA, To See You Broken, Darvon Complex, Samarah @ Jim Dandy's..

January 9th Prunedale, CA AS I LAY DYING, Judas Cradle, On Broken Wings, Cannae, If Hope Dies @ Jim Dandy's.

Holla !

current music: Close Call

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Tuesday, October 14th, 2003
7:28 pm - Anyone have any good pit stories laltey?

Any stories? Which bands had the most insane pits? I wanna pretend this community exist a little bit : )

current music: modern life is war/carry on

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Wednesday, August 13th, 2003
10:59 am - oh man

You thought this community was corny and that im crazy, check out the newly created userinfobedroom_moshing, they comepete over stuff. jebus.

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Saturday, July 26th, 2003
1:03 am - show math

What Happens next+Gilman= FAT CIRCLE was nice mix of your punkers and hardcore was like fat circle pits and then some people would do some more breakdowny was unified and fun.

current mood: tired
current music: Cut the shit

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Sunday, July 20th, 2003
10:34 am - hmmm

Should people 2 step to screamo??? *went to an odd house party last night* not that im elitist and saying people should dance one way or the proper way, it just ringed odd to me people 2 stepping randomly to screamo.

current mood: perplexed
current music: scholastic deth

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Thursday, July 17th, 2003
8:19 pm - Boo.
itschang Hey I made the layout. How come I'm not a administrator thingie.


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10:31 pm - Local hardcore shows? I say "Yes!"

Oh you kids and your crazy dancing... )

current mood: tired
current music: Poison The Well - December

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8:31 pm - The truph and facts about 'moshing'

Since this is here to tell stories, I have a story.

It was a festival called Magic Fest. It was a month ago. This story took place on the 2nd day, around 6pm, after everybody had seen what 'to do' during stupid mosh bands like Shattered Realm, Throwdown, Seventh Star, etc.

So this band called School For Heroes was playing. They play boring ass nu-metal with a guy that cries into the microphone and the guitars are detuned and rubbish. Most of the kids were sitting down because they were tired and the band sucked, but there were like 15 or 20 kids up by the band watching them. Then these 2 kids started doing dance club dances and one of the kid's friends pushed him into the crowd of kids. Suddenly everybody that was watching thought it was 'time' to mosh. It was the funniest thing I'd ever seen. They all broke out into their little punches and boring shit because they thought it was TIME.

Point of the story is, 'moshing' has lost whatever it was supposed to once be. It might have once been something that kid's did when they needed to release stress and just lose control to music, but now people do it because they feel as if they have to. And I dunno about you, but that's just about as lame as it gets in my book.

I've noticed lately that the 'hardcore dancing' phrase is being used more often. The action itself is happening more often, as well. I'm seeing more 2-steps and kids just dancing and having fun, which is FUN. Swinging your fists at the ground and doing stupid ninja moves and trying to punch people that are standing 'near' the pit isn't releasing any stress, that's just stupid. Take kickboxing classes and beat up the homeless if you want to be a tough guy.

Next time you're at a show, just pay attention to some of the kid's moshing. It's like it's some corny 80s dance-off. LOOK AT ME SPIN AND KICK! Wheeeeeee I like taking people's attention away from the bands because they're afraid I'm gonna break their nose!

I've had way too much time to think about this.

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2:39 pm
itschang hard... core... dancing...?

current mood: apathetic
current music: The Locust - This Is Radio Surgery

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2:06 pm - first post

Im not all that hardcore. I listen to alot of crust and punk, but i respect and love old school hardcore and some metal....hardcore dancing and circle pits is fucking cool....go wild! Welcome to my community!! thus concludes first lame post.

current mood: content
current music: The Damage Done

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