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Colloidal Silver for Life

Site about Colloidal Silver


8 oz. bottle of 20 PPM is only 14.00
16 oz. bottle of 20 PPM is only 26.00
8 oz. bottle of 50 PPM is only 19.00
16 oz bottle of 50 PPM is only 34.00
ONE GALLON of 20 PPM is 79.00

Compare these prices to others at $20.00 to $30.00 for 8 oz.
close to a hundred dollers or more for one gallon of others who sale this product


Research indicates that colloidal silver is an effective microbial, inactivating the enzymes responsible for the metabolism and multiplication of bacteria, fungi and viruses. It also indicates that colloidal silver is an effective immune system booster, deactivating the enzymes responsible for the metabolism and multiplication of unwanted invaders. Colloidal silver has become a popular alternative to other products on the market.

Dr R Becker, a medical research doctor, has demonstrated that silver electrodes placed at wound sites fight infection and speed tissue repair, most likely because they encourage stem cell production. Lab tests by the USA Federal Drug Authority show silver is highly effective in reducing population counts of single celled organisms such as bacteria, virus, fungus, yeasts, mold and parasites.

The advent of ground breaking biomedical research by Dr. Robert O. Becker and other researchers in the 1970's, sparked a renewed interest in colloidal silver. Research results published in periodicals and books such as Dr. Robert O. Becker's "The Body Electric," which chronicles the exciting laboratory and real life results he observed & demonstrated regarding the practical health benefits of colloidal silver.


Colloidal silver is said to work by killing invading microbes by dissolving an enzyme that metabolizes oxygen of primitive organisms. The cell can't breath, suffocates and dies, usually within 6 minutes. That is why it is effective on all types of germs, including antibiotic resistant ones. Colloidal silver is a catalyst, disabling the enzyme that transfers oxygen thru' the cell wall, but does not itself react chemically within the body.
Colloidal silver assists healing by enabling a de-differentiated cell to be formed as well as a duplicate cell when a normal cell divides. This special cell can change into any type of body cell that is needed in the body, anywhere, like stem cells, so helping repair of cells.

Colloidal Silver is a near perfect antibiotic. Just about every known pathogenic germ, bacteria, virus or fungus, will die within six minutes of contact with colloidal silver. In addition, there are no known bad side effects from using colloidal silver. Silver can be used topically or internally.

For burns or sores that may be infected, use a bandage to keep a cotton ball soaked in colloidal silver on the wound. That approach will also help with warts.
Women suffering with a vaginal yeast infection can use 1 Tablespoon of colloidal silver mixed in with 8 oz. of water as a douche solution for almost immediate results.
For infectious diseases, colloidal silver can be taken internally either straight or mixed with liquid or other preference. If you are dealing with an existing infectious condition, you may want to take 1 tablespoon of colloidal silver three times a day. AS the condition improves you can reduce dosage to two tablespoons a day and then reduce to once a day.

For general protection form colds, flu and other infectious diseases, a daily dose of one tablespoon is recommended. Only increase dosage if a condition develops in spite of the normal daily dosage. Call if you have any question or want to discuss treatment of some particular situation.


Natural health practitioners have for years recommended taking one tablespoon daily, for four days, to establish a level, then one half-tablespoon daily for maintenance (proportional to body weight for children). After six weeks, a pause of several weeks has also been recommended by some natural healing arts doctors. Also, colloidal silver can be applied directly to burns, cuts, scrapes, and open sores, or on a bandage for warts. It can be applied on eczema, itches, acne, sunburns or bug bites. To purify water, add one tablespoon per gallon, shake well and wait six minutes. Mixed this way it's tasteless. It is not an allopathic poison.


Colloidal silver has been reported to kill 650 microorganisms, many of which are associated with human diseases. This does not automatically mean that taking silver will "cure" diseases "caused" by these germs. Colloidal silver only kills microorganisms when they are in contact with it for a sufficient period of time. The human body is a complex system which may prevent high enough concentrations of colloidal silver from reaching the "affected area".

The basic guideline that has been recommended for using colloidal silver is that it usually "works" if you can get a high enough concentration to the "affected area". Some will want to experiment with "higher amounts" (such as 8 or more ounces at a time) to find out what it takes to accomplish this. Do not use colloidal silver if you are allergic to contact with silver metals.

The following is a partial list of the more that 650 diseases that colloidal silver has been reputed to be successful against:
acne, AIDS, allergies, appendicitis, arthritis, athletes foot, bladder inflammation, blood parasites, blood poisoning, boils, burns, cancer, candida, cholera, colitis, conjunctivitis, cystitis, dermatitis, diabetes, dysentery, eczema, fibrositis, gastritis, gonorrhea, hay fever, herpes, impetigo, indigestion, keratilis, leprosy, leukemia, lupus, lymphangitis, Lyme disease, malaria, meningitis, neurasthenia, parasitic infections: viral, fungal and bacterial pneumonia, pleurisy, prostate, pruritus ani, psoriasis, purulent ophthalmia, rhinitis, rheumatism, ringworm, scarlet fever, septic conditions of the eyes, ears, mouth, and throat, seborrhea, septicemia, shingles, skin cancer, staphylococcus and streptococcus infections, stomach flu, syphilis, thyroid, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, toxemia, trachoma, all forms of virus, warts, whooping cough, yeast infection, stomach ulcer, canine parovirus and other veterinary uses, and fungal and viral attacks on plants. Simply spray diluted silver on the leaves and add to the soil.

Colloidal Silver has been successfully tested at the UCLA Medical Labs where it killed every virus on which it was tested.
Colloidal silver in a spray bottle can be sprayed on abrasions, acne, athlete's foot, burns, cuts, eczema, fungi, psoriasis, rashes, scrapes, skin cancers, sunburn, warts, and wounds, etc., and does not kill subcutaneous tissue as does alcohol and iodine. It can also be sprayed in the nose for sinus problems or sprayed into the mouth and inhaled to the lungs where transfer of colloidal silver through the alveoli is readily imparted to the blood. Colloidal silver can also be sprayed into the eyes of newborn infants to prevent infection, or under the arms, which kills odor-causing bacteria but does not prevent skin from breathing, as do many deodorants. Colloidal silver solutions can also be used for colonic cleansing solutions, ear infections, mouth infections, vaginal cleanses, etc..
Colloidal silver is considered natures most powerful antibiotic. It is known to be effective against 650 different disease-causing pathogenic microorganisms, and was tested against anthrax in 1997 by microbiologist Larry Harris. The ability to produce homemade, quality colloidal silver may be your first line of defense against disease-causing biological agents.
Colloidal Silver is proven particularly effective in cases of intestinal troubles. Dr. Henry Crooks found that Silver in the colloidal state is highly germicidal, quite harmless to humans and absolutely nontoxic. Rather than in a chemical compound, the Silver, in the colloidal state, may be applied in a much more concentrated form, with correspondingly better results. All fungus, virus, bacterium, streptococcus, staphylococcus, and other pathogenic organisms are killed in three or four minutes; in fact, there is no microbe known that is not killed by Colloidal Silver is six minutes or less, a dilution of as little as five parts per million, though there are no side effects whatsoever from high concentrations.
Dr. Robert O. Becker, author of The Body Electric, recognized a correlation between low silver levels and sickness. He said silver deficiency was responsible for the improper functioning of the immune system. Dr. Becker's experiments conclude that silver works on the full spectrum of pathogens without any side effects or damage to the body. He also states that silver does more than kill disease-causing organisms. It also causes major growth stimulation of injured tissues. Burn patients and even elderly patients notice more rapid healing. And he discovered that all cancer cells could change back to normal cells. All strains of pathogens resistant to other antibiotics are killed by silver.
It would appear highly unlikely that even germ warfare agents could survive an encounter with Colloidal Silver, since viruses like Ebola and Hanta, or even the dreaded "flesh-eating bacteria" are, in the end, merely helpless viruses and bacteria. To top it off, Colloidal Silver is non-toxic, making it safe for children and adults, as well as pets. In short, anything bigger than a one-cell animal seems to like it.

A researcher at Brigham Young University sent Colloidal Silver to two different labs including UCLA Medical Center, and reported "It not only killed the HIV virus but every virus that was tested in the labs". According to FDA rules, Colloidal Silver cannot be used for treating the HIV virus, but it could be used as an antibiotic for all acquired diseases of active AIDS.
For several decades, silver has proven itself in the treatment of burns, and eye, ear, nose, throat, vaginal, rectal, and urinary tract infections. Silver has been prescribed as an adjunct treatment for reproductive disorders in women and the circulatory system, as well as a treatment for AIDS infective complications. It has been used as a remedy for allergies, boils, ulcers, lesions, thyroid conditions, infantile diseases, parasites, wounds of the eye, enlarged prostate, warts, bladder inflammation, infections of the inner ear, sleepwalking and anorexia nervosa. Colloidal Silver also acts as a tissue regenerator by stimulation the production of de-differentiating cells, which promotes the replacement of specialized cells.

Floral and Garden
Colloidal silver can be used to greatly extend the time before decaying begins on cut flowers. Probably due to the bacteria and other pathogens in water, cut flowers placed that medium will tend to wither and die much more quickly than cut flowers that are placed in water which has colloidal silver added to it. The colloidal silver kills the pathogens in the water. subsequently It It is absorbed into the flowers and taken to the cellular level where colloidal silver works internally to kill remaining pathogens. A colloidal silver solution in water can also be sprayed directly onto plants and shrubs in the garden. The action of the colloidal silver positive ions work on the outside of the plants to effectively destroy bacteria, virus, fungus, etc. Garden food plants that have been sprayed with colloidal silver leave no residue, as do poison sprays, and are safe for human consumption.


This information on Colloidal Silver has been printed strictly for informational and educational purposes only. The information is based on pharmacological and other records both ancient and modern. No claims whatsoever are made as to any specific benefits form the use of Colloidal Silver.