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For those of you who don't know, yaoi is guys getting together (if ya know what I mean), also known as shounen-ai (translated into 'boy love'). This part of the site is under construction, cuz the Saiyuki DVDs aren't out here yet, and I don't want to steal any stuff from other sites. I'm an honest person.

*rubs hands* Yessssssss...all of Saiyuki is now mine! MINEEEEE!!!! *cough* And the 2nd season has opened up so many new yaoi possibilities....*drool* YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Goku x Sanzo

Anyways, Sanzo is Goku's light and Goku can't live without him (cuz he's his sunshine, ne?) and well, Goku's the only one who can cheer Sanzo up. Like in Ep 20 (i cant remember everything exact, but i'll type something along the lines/from the manga) Sanzo: OWW! What the hell was that for?!
Goku: Go on. Hit me with your harisen and shout 'Baka Saru!'. Because that's the Sanzo I know.

And Episode 6!
Sanzo: It's annoying...
Goku: Oww...I think I hit my head!
Then Goku looks at his hand and sees...blood. Then he looks down and sees Sanzo (NOOOOOOOO!!!!! NOT MY SANZO!!!)And that was because Sanzo got in front of Rikudo's spear type staff thingy to protect Goku.
Sure, after that he says 'What I covered with my body wasn't Goku', but we know that Sanzo-chan likes to hide his emotions alot, don't we? ^^

And the Chin Yiso saga
Sanzo: Hey Goku.
Imposter Goku: Eh?
Then we see Sanzo pointing his gun at Imposter Goku.
I Goku: Sanzo? What's wrong it's me! Stop joking around, it's me Sanzo!
Sanzo: It's not you. And let me tell you something else (he didnt say that, i really cant remember what he said), the only one who can call my name that that Baka Saru!
After that, Sanzo shoots the Imposter Goku in the Head.

When Chin Yiso appears...
Chin Yiso (talking about Goku): ...or perhaps he's been eaten by a bear!
Then Sanzo shoots at Chin cuz He'S MAJORLY PISSED THAT SOMEONE WOULD DARE HURT HIS POOR GOKU! I'll shut up now. :P

Goku: Hey! If you do ANYTHING to Sanzo, I won't let you off easy!

Ep 22, after the big fight with Doku, Kou, and when Goku turns youkai
Sanzo: Goku, I'm thirsty. Get me a beer.
Goku: Yes.
Goku, being all depressed about what had happened before (demon, kill, blah blah) is looking down at the ground.
Goku: Here.
Then instead of taking the beer from Goku, he puts his hand on Goku's head and raises his head making them look into each other's eyes!!!!!!! TOTALLY KAWAII!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH I LOVE THAT PIC! I'll put it up in the image gallery. One of the cutest scenes!!! Then Sanzo...whacks Goku on the head with his harisen. :P :P :P :P :P He screams at him for not looking up and all that :P
As I mentioned before, our Sanzo-chan has a strange way of expressing his feelings. ^^

And then there was the really sad episode (39) where Sanzo was being mean to Goku (cuz of the rain). So Goku ran off, and bumped into Homura. I won't say anymore, but I'll post up an episode review very very soon...
The Saiyuki game has poked me in the eye saying 'HELLO!! THIS IS DEFINATELY SANZO x GOKU!' So I'll write the translation here... and yes, it did happen in the anime... and the anime was very very touching... makes me cry everytime I watch it... *sniff*
Sanzo: You stupid monkey...
*thinks* I had something I wanted to protect. When I lost that, I felt my worthlessness for the first time.
I'm just the same as you.
And so I wanted to protect you. (YAY!! HE ADMITTED IT!! SEE!! ^^;;)
For example, deep under the ground here, the sun doesn't reach you does it.
For example, you live deep under the ground without knowing freedom.
Goku *thinks*: I can hear a voice. Who's voice is it, I wonder?
It's very nostalgic (big words, Goku). I've been with it for a long time and it's shining.
I feel it's a voice of a person I won't forget.
Long ago, this voice. Who is it.
This voice is Sanzo's isn't it?
And then there's that Saiyuki movie game thingy. When they're talking about the pearl jade, Sanzo says:
I would wish for all the people except Goku to disappear. Then you can have all the meat buns you want.

Gojyo x Hakkai

I'll start this off with Fated Guys.
When Gojyo first say Hakkai lying on the ground he said "And it's like...he smiled at me" Then Gojyo took Hakkai back and nursed him to health. ("I stuffed all the organs that were hanging out back in" LOL!)
A while later when they were talking about umm...I forgot, Hakkai says something about something...(i have a really crappy memory) and Gojyo puts up his pinky (which means lover) and says "This?"
Hakkai says "She was my blood related older sister!"
Gojyo looks blankly at him while he sips his tea.
Then Hakkai says "Do you despise me for that?"
Gojyo: Nah! There can be some cases...
I reckon Gojyo felt something for Hakkai, that's why he brought that subject up.
After Sanzo brought Hakkai to see Sanbutshin, Gojyo got all miserable cuz Sanzo told him Hakkai was dead. Then he saw Hakkai in the marketplace, and he got all happy!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!! *huggles Gojyo*
They are constantly looking out for each other. Hell, they even live with each other!! Wonder what they do... XD

Sanzo x Gojyo

Listen to 'Bad Friends'. Sanzo and Gojyo duets, whoo yeah! Then again, there's also 'Treasure' (Sanzo/Goku ^^)
In Ep 16, when Sanzo demands to be let in so he can inspect Gojyo's house, Gojyo says 'Even if you're a beautiful person, I can't let you in.'
Episode 44. When the Sanzo-ikkou are fighting the Homura-taichi and they get their asses kicked bad, Gojyo yells Sanzo's name about 4 times.

Sanzo x Hakkai

Basically, Hakkai is the only one who hasn't been thwacked with Sanzo's fan.
And while they were waiting for Chin Yiso to appear, Sanzo says:
Sanzo: You won't ever betray me.
Hakkai: When you put it that way, it looks like I don't have much choice.

*sigh* Why are the Chin Yiso eps so full of yaoi?! And this was by Yen: Basically Hakkai seems like type that needs to be protected. And Sanzo seems like the type who could protect. So they would go good together!!


Email me and add me to Msn!

Saiyuki is the property of Minekura Kazuya,
Enix, Saiyuki Project and TV Tokyo,
not this insane, crazy fangirl.
This is only a fansite, so
you can't sue me. :P