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Everette's Big Adventure

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Everette's Big Adventure
(See all the many places I have been or am going)

So where do I begin to start with my adventure….. Well I guess I have always been on this adventure.
I remember as I was growing up in the little town of Alderson, WV (population 750) thinking I would not be here long, that I was going to set out and explore the world around me. My hometown now has it’s mark on the map thanks to Martha Stewart spending her little vacation at the Women’s prison just outside of town.
In May of 2004 I took a job that has allowed me to travel full time and be in a different location every couple of months. Sometimes I found myself in the big city and sometimes back in a small town like the one I grew up in; but either way I tried to make the best of it. So far in life I have met some interesting people and I hope that I can remain in contact with them throughout life, either way most that I have enjoyed being around should know that no matter where I am, I will remember the adventures we have had and take them with me as I continue on my adventure, these people are friends for life
I grew up in Alderson, West Virginia and my family currently still lives in the area and everyday it seems to grow (click on the word Family to see pictures of them) I have 3 brothers and 1 Sisters and I stopped counting the nieces and nephews at 15 but I am sure there are more.
After growing up in West Virginia I took off to Colorado and stayed there for about 10 years. During my time there I met some amazing people and did some amazing things. I will admit I spent most of my time in the bars; but I also enjoyed other things such as mountain biking and Rollerblading. My best friend Mandi and I used to be insane about rollerblading and would go for about 20 miles, now a days if we make it 5 miles we are good.
After Denver I moved to Atlanta for a year and a half and although my first experience there was not as great as I was hoping I did make some great friends there as well.
After a short move back to Denver is when I took off on the road with my job and on my adventure. I took my mountain bike along with me in my travels and biked trails all over the country. Not sure which one was my favorite, it’s a toss up between the one along Lakeshore Drive in Chicago, or the one that travels along the beach in Santa Monica.
Due to some serious changes in my life my big adventure of traveling across the country has ended and I am now trying to settle down in one place and for the time being that place is Atlanta.

So what else should you know about me? I have played the Tuba for many years but since I am traveling have not been playing and miss it greatly I belong to a group called the LGBA (Lesbian and Gay Bands Association) which has bands all across the country. I also have sung in both the Denver Gay Men's Chorus and the Atlanta Gay Men's Chorus. in my free time I and when the weather it good I am probably out riding my mountain bike, so can you tell yet that I live for….. click here to discover a few of the other things I enjoy.


Click here to read my blog filled with random posting whenever I feel the urge to talk

What's New:

New Pictures in my family section 03/18/2006

Click on a thumbnail in the left column to view a large image.


My friends, My travels

Pictures from Colorado
Montreal February 2005
Pictures of me
Alderson, WV
Pictures of my family
My Travel Diary
Chicago 4/15/2005
Venice Beach bike ride
Pictures from my LA Adventures
Pictures from Long Beach Gay Pride
Pictures from IML 2005
Misc Pictures from June Events
Pictures frm Mandi's big Vegas Wedding
