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"Wollemi" is an aboriginal word meaning "keep your eyes open and watch out, look around you".  We live in an amazing world and there may still be many new discoveries to be made.  In 1994 while absailing in the Blue Mountains a living fossil was discovered.  The Blue Mountains aren't far from Sydney and a popular spot for tourists and bush walkers etc, yet this secret remained hidden for all these years.   This living fossil was presumed extinct and yet here in a deep gorge was a little forest of trees that had survived for millions of years.  

This unusual tree has a bubbly bark,  and  fern like foliage. The leaves are not stalked but attached around the branch.  Whole branches are shed instead of leaves like most trees. The tree is bi-sexual having male and female cones on the ends of the branches.  

In order to protect and preserve the species cuttings were taken, now we can all own a part of history  and  plant the amazing Wollemi pine in our own back yard

The Wollemi pine that was thought to be long extinct is alive and well.  They are found no where else on earth except this deep gorge in the Blue Mountains.   The early settlers didn't discover them nor did the early explorers when they were trying to find a pass through the mountain range.  The Blue Mountains was a popular spot for hiding stolen cattle in the early days of Bushrangers and cattle duffers as these mountains contain many caves.  Mounted police roamed this area yet the Wollemi Pine remained in its secret place. 

While roads and rail lines were being built, while towns and villages appeared the Wollemi Pine remained hidden.  Let all of us remember " Wollemi" the aboriginal word that means " look around you" when we are venturing out in this great garden of the Lord's, that we call earth.  Who knows what other important and interesting discoveries are right under our very noses. 

Would you like to own your very own Wollemi Pine tree, they are very hardy, having survived millions of years? 

click on the link below:-

Wollemi Pine




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The world is the Lord's and everything in it