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Have you ever marveled at the Bible?
Have you ever studied or read this book? 
I can assure you its truly amazing.

The Bible is really lots of books in one, 
Written over a time span that's almost unimaginable.
God said  a thousand years is like one day to Him,
and one day like a thousand years.
Time is more important to us than it is to God.

Many hands have contributed to the Bible, 
It's impossible to have been written by one person.
One person could not have lived that long. 
Predictions in the Old Testament came true in the new.
There are future predictions, still to come.
We are fortunate people indeed 
We have this book in its entirety. 

Study ancient history and you'll discover
That the Biblical facts are correct, right down to the day.
There is so much detail that is not mentioned
That I can only speculate.  So much left for us to think about.
We would have written more detail that's for sure,
I know I like to know the ins and outs of everything.

I know the Bible was written by human hands,
But these hands were guided by God.
His ways are not our ways and
His thinking is not our thinking.

Human hands and minds would have the Bible
Take up one whole room, maybe more.
God in His wisdom
Gave us one book of many books,
With only what we need to know.
One book that reveals God.

Jesus said that if we had as much faith
As one tiny seed,
We could say to a mountain, jump in the ocean
And it would be done.
Stands to reason that we don't have much faith
But we do have enough to BELIEVE.

We are fortunate today to have the Bible
Translated into our own language.
We can buy study Bibles that give more information
Thereby increasing our understanding and knowledge .
Bibles with pictures, Bibles for teens, Bibles for children,
Bibles that suit everyone can be bought easily.

The Bible is God's Holy Word.
Don't you think you should know what's in it?

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