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Australia is blessed with an abundance of beautiful birds.
These are found in backyards all over this great land of ours.
I especially like the parrots that visit as their colours
are so vivid. 
When these birds are sitting in our trees they are so very hard to see.
This always amazes me, I don't know how they can blend in so well.

These birds are Galahs and are found in large numbers.
They make great pets and will talk.  Its against our law to
keep these birds without a permit.  Trapping any of our birds is illegal.

This is just a small section of them in my backyard eating grass seeds. 
My lawn has almost died because of severe drought,
 but these fellows found something to eat.



I love the vibrant Crimson Wing, the green and red colouring
are very vivid.  The female was feeding with this fellow but 
didn't like the look of my camera.  I really need a 
telephoto lens so I don't have to get so close.  


This is the beautiful King Parrot, the female is not as colourful.
She has a green head and is more timid than the male. 
We also have Pale headed Rosellas, Scaly Breasted parrots, and 
the cheeky Rainbow Lorikeets visit as well.  
I'll include photos of these in time.

A pair of Rosellas are permanent guests, claiming the hollow 
branch of the big old Pepperina tree as home.  
They have raised young every year for quite a while.  
They seem to be more timid than the other visitors, and I never seem 
to have a camera in my hand when they are around. 

These Rainbow Lorikeets invited themselves to smoko (morning tea).
We'd only just sat down when they all arrived from some nearby trees.
These are wild birds, and as you can see, they aren't shy,
and they'll share our bikkies (cookies) thank you.

This is only a very small section of our Native parrots.
We also have tiny finches nest in our trees as well as larger birds.
All our birds are protected,  if you want to keep any as pets they must be 
bought from a pet shop.   Any found hurt must be taken to a wild life carer.  
There are a few birds that can be kept without a permit but all of the above 
birds cannot be kept as pets without one.   





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